Voir un historique complet de toutes les nouveaux ajouts dans Construct 3 depuis la première parution.

19 favoris
Use custom easing curves in with the tween behavior
7 favoris
Event sheet view: now shows function and parameter descriptions in tooltips for both function blocks and 'Call function' actions
12 favoris
Solid behavior: 'Set tags' action
6 favoris
Shadow Light: 'Set cast from' action
4 favoris
Advanced Random: 'Remove probability entry' action to remove an item from a weighted probability table (useful for "unique" draws)
5 favoris
Settings: button to download all local browser saves as zip file
12 favoris
Pathfinding: made 'Find path' and regeneration actions async
21 favoris
Advanced Random plugin: new "Weighted random" feature allows you to create a list of items with odds of being picked that you choose
8 favoris
File dialog: options for sorting by date modified / file name / file size
6 favoris
Bluetooth plugin: now links to its manual entry
6 favoris
Manual links for timelines in editor (note the manual content is not yet ready but should be available soon)
15 favoris
Event sheet view: 'F' and 'P' keyboard shortcuts to add function and parameter (respectively)
12 favoris
Share plugin: 'Add file' action - add images or videos to a share from a Binary Data object
20 favoris
New advanced example 'Raycast reflections'
15 favoris
Support for multiple local previews: hold Alt while clicking 'Preview' or use Alt+4 / Alt+5 shortcuts
14 favoris
Event sheet view: can now use Shift+Up/Down for keyboard range selections
9 favoris
Browser object: new 'Navigation UI' option for 'Request fullscreen' (set to 'Hide' for true fullscreen in Chrome on Android)
10 favoris
Import Audio dialog: new option to specify encoding bitrate
9 favoris
New advanced example 'Bluetooth - device name' that connects to a device and reads its device name
12 favoris
Function maps: allows calling the new built-in functions by a string
10 favoris
New advanced example 'Function maps' demonstrating calling a function by a string
5 favoris
Added a "Clear recent projects" button to Settings
12 favoris
Experimental option to automatically convert old functions to new built-in functions
6 favoris
Game Recorder: 'Start User Media recording' action, to record the user's camera or microphone from a User Media object
5 favoris
User Media: 'Include microphone' option for 'Request camera' action, so recordings can include audio
20 favoris
Bullet behavior: 'Set bounce off solids' action
12 favoris
Drag & drop behavior: 'Set axes' action
11 favoris
Tile Movement: GridTargetX/Y expressions returning the target position in grid cells
4 favoris
Instant Games: new 'Supports feature' condition (to check if 'Switch game' supported)
8 favoris
Find results bars can now be closed with Escape key
7 favoris
Timeline Bar: Basic keyboard shortcuts
7 favoris
JSON plugin: 'Set JSON' action - allows merging a JSON string into existing JSON data
6 favoris
Local Storage: integration with Binary Data plugin to save/load binary data
6 favoris
NW.js: intergration with Binary Data plugin to read/write binary files
7 favoris
Timeline Bar: Show the name of the current timeline
8 favoris
Timeline Bar: Add smaller markers to represent tenths of a second in the timeline ruler
5 favoris
Timeline Bar: Short ease function names when there is not enough space to show the full name in the "Ease View"
5 favoris
Timeline Bar: Add default option to the "View" context menu
9 favoris
AJAX: can now receive and post binary data
8 favoris
WebSocket: can now send and receive binary messages
16 favoris
Common object expression 'ObjectTypeName'
14 favoris
System expressions 'CurrentEventNumber' and 'CurrentEventSheetName'
21 favoris
'Toggle' option to 'Set visible' action
12 favoris
Array: 'Value' parameter for 'Clear' action (to clear to custom value)
11 favoris
Animations Editor: Handle to resize the color picker
15 favoris
Animations Editor: Input to explicitly input colors as hexadecimal values