Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
02 May, 2019 ()
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This release is just a small patch update for r147. To ensure a smooth stable release we aim to make no changes at all between the last beta release and the stable release. We had a few more changes we wanted to make before the next stable release, which we're aiming for early next week, and out of an abundance of caution we're releasing those changes now to be confident they haven't broken anything.
We now also have a manual entry covering the new built-in functions feature, so check that out if you want to learn more about how the new functions work.
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Exécuter r147.2
Nouveaux ajouts
Event sheet view: 'F' and 'P' keyboard shortcuts to add function and parameter (respectively)
Updated function dialog help links to point to new manual entries
Limit free edition projects to one timeline up to 5 seconds long
Corrections de bug
Project bar: possible crash dragging and dropping timelines
Loops in functions called by expressions not working in debugger
'Replace with built-in function' menu option incorrectly appeared in C2 runtime
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