Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
Updates for iOS & Android apps; fixed regression
24 June, 2019 ()
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This release has a number of updates for iOS & Android apps. Firstly the Mobile Advert and Google Play plugins have been upgraded to the latest versions, and there's a new condition for Mobile Advert to identify if you should display an option for the User Consent dialog. Secondly we've done a fair amount of work to fix a number of cases where iOS and Android apps did not use the full display of the device. This includes cases where "notched" devices did not correctly handle the area around the notch, as well as other cases where unnecessary blank space may have appeared on some older devices. With these updates, hopefully mobile apps will be working and displaying better now.
There's also a fix for an issue in r155 which could have caused crashes, or possibly in other cases incorrect rendering with effects. This was caused by an earlier optimisation, but it should be working correctly now (while keeping the same level of performance).
We've tentatively scheduled next Monday (July 1st) for the next stable release, subject to testing. So please test thoroughly and let us know if there are any important issues remaining. All being well we should have a new stable release out soon!
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Exécuter r156
Nouveaux ajouts
Mobile Advert plugin: 'Is in EEA or unknown' condition - useful for deciding if you should display an option for opening the User Consent dialog
Mobile Advert and Google Play: updated to use latest versions of related Google play services
Corrections de bug
Possible runtime crash creating instances not placed anywhere in project (regression in r155)
Fixed a number of cases where iOS and Android apps may not have used the full display
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