Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
Lots of additions and bug fixes
22 July, 2019 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct 3
This release includes a range of additions, many based on user suggestions, as well as various other changes and bug fixes. In particular there is a new expression for using function maps in expressions, and a new ability to detect the left and right shift, control, alt or meta keys separately, which could be useful for controls in some games (e.g. pinball flipper controls). Note currently most browsers have some kind of bug with handling simultaneous presses of the left and right keys, but we've filed browser bugs for these and hopefully they will be resolved soon.
Please note: due to staff holidays there will not be any releases for a few weeks. But don't worry, we should be back to our normal schedule by around mid-August.
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Exécuter r159
Nouveaux ajouts
Functions.CallMapped() expression, to call a mapped function and return a value
Keyboard: new conditions to detect left/right control/shift/alt/meta key presses separately
Find results: show disabled events with strikethrough in results list
ColorValue common expression (returns instance's current color)
Text input: 'Search' type
8 Direction, Car & Platform behaviors: 'Set default controls' action
Platform: 'Reset double jump' action
Text: actions to change alignment, wrapping and line height, and LineHeight expression
SpriteFont: 'Set wrapping' action
Event sheet view: Shift+J / Shift+Q always adds script/comment as an action instead of block
Alt+4/5 shortcuts no longer start previews when typing, since on some keyboards they type characters
Alt+Shift+Left/right no longer perform next/back navigation shortcuts when typing, since on some systems these navigate the caret
Update Multiplayer examples to use built-in functions instead of legacy Function plugin
Can now use mid(str, index, -1) to get text from 'index' to end of string
Text editor: disable autocomplete for languages other than JavaScript as it triggered at inappropriate times
Corrections de bug
Possible hang previewing project with functions in groups (regression in r158)
Loading savegames with instances that aren't placed anywhere in the project would fail
Event sheet view: arrow key navigation didn't work correctly with function parameters
Parameters dialog: up/down arrows would incorrectly remove call tip when autocomplete showing
Keyboard: in some cases an alphabetic key press could be lost after a shift+key press (regression in r152)
Possible crash in editor while hosting Remote Preview
Platform: possible regression jumping past ledges in r158 due to prior bug fix
Properties Bar: did not collapse "Orientations" property correctly
Text editor: caret could sometimes be invisible depending on pixel ratio
Mises à jour du SDK
Addons using unsupported features (e.g. variadic parameters) now show a message on startup instead of crashing the editor
Scripting updates
Autocomplete could be triggered by the up and down arrow keys, interrupting document navigation
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