Voir un historique complet de toutes les corrections de bug dans Construct 3 depuis la première parution.
Loading a project before the login finished could change the 'Loader style' project property
Fix guided tour menu highlight color for dark theme
Spinners not shown in number fields in light/dark themes
Revert non-translatable parts of light/dark themes
Editor: could drag windows/dialogs/tabs by the close button
Templates: ensure it is not possible to set templates with duplicate names in the same object type
Tweens: possible crash changing layouts while tweens are still active
Possible crash using Live Preview in some cases (regression r295)
Timelines: crash editing the position of an instance in a timeline (regression r295)
Timelines: possible crash after copying and pasting color keyframes
Timelines: color keyframes not always previewed properly in the editor
file: protocol warning not working for web exports (regression)
Text/SpriteFont: ensure typewriter text works per grapheme
Text/SpriteFont: did not treat \r\n sequence as newline (regression r294)
'Create object' inside function calls could incorrectly leave instances picked (regression r294)
Animations editor: crash attempting to cut frames while nothing to cut was selected
Animations editor: snapping to the grid not working as expected with hi-dpi displays
Layout view: make overridden layers independent from global layer with visible/locked properties
Timelines: bezier curves not working as expected if start/end value share same X/Y position
Timelines: crash changing 'Start on layout' to '(none)'
Templates: ensure that deleting a template updates all related replicas state as expected
Templates: project failing to load when used in combination with hierarchies
Hierarchies: position of child instances was not transformed when turning off the option to follow the parent's angle
Platform behavior: 'Fall through' action was accidentally framerate-dependent
Update SpriteFont & word wrap to operate on graphemes instead of characters, improving handling of some languages and emoji
Undo/redo did not always handle changing script purposes correctly
HTML Element: not all BBcode styles were applied
HTML Element: TargetID/Class expressions not correctly set in 'On clicked'
Could not undo changing some object properties (e.g. 3D Shape faces, Particles object)
Mouse: 'Set cursor from sprite' incorrectly handled images rotated on spritesheet
Templates feature did not appear for all users
Crash closing Animations Editor with changes (regression r293)
Possible crash opening Layout Views (regression r291)
Animations editor: mirror tools not updating image points (regression r289)
Animations editor: image points/collision polygons not restored correctly after undoing animation-wide changes (regression r289)
Animations editor: prevent changing image points with the arrow keys if Ctrl/Cmd held down
Animations editor: always highlight the initially selected frame when opening the editor
Event Sheet View: did not always regain focus after closing Parameters dialog
Event Sheet View: F4 keyboard shortcut to show expressions dictionary not working
Event Sheet View: drag-and-drop did not work correctly for JavaScript blocks
Event Sheet View: incorrect validation when switching OR block to AND block
Platform: did not trigger 'On collision' if moving platform moved player in to obstacle
Debugger: ensure any custom URL query string/hash passed to preview iframe
Event Sheet View: event variables incorrectly displayed strings with BBcode
Layers bar: save and restore expanded/collapse state
Mobile adverts: crash in iOS exports using advanced minification
Sprite plugin: instances could unexpectedly change scale (regression r288)
Animations editor: ensure cut/copy frames includes latest image edits
Animations editor: cut/copy/paste not working as expected when focus in numeric input
Templates: crash copying and pasting a template instance with no template name
Timelines: trigger 'on keyframe reached' for the first keyframe on a timeline
Expression Dictionary: possible crash in Android devices
Viewport could be incorrect after restarting layout (regression r286)
Cordova exports: could incorrectly escape > character in config.xml
Drawing Canvas: pasting Text then Sprite could produce incorrect results
Project Bar: did not immediately update sorting after renaming subfolders
Animations editor: properties pane showing incorrect information when selecting an animation
Animations editor: some frames drawn incorrectly after undoing changes made to the entire animation
Animations editor: fix visual glitches produced by the collision polygon and image points tools when quickly cycling through frames
Animations editor: prevent changing image points when using the keyboard shortcuts to cycle through frames or animations
Templates: width and height of replicas not saved properly to project file
Templates: ignore missing plugin properties (regression r286)
Mobile adverts: suspend and resume sound when showing ads (iOS)
Animated effects did not take in to account the instance time scale
Renaming items in tree controls did not resize input box while typing
HTML Element: allow running scripts in inserted HTML content
HTML Element: possible crash passing number to EscapeHTML expression
Work around Chrome bug that could cause login form to stop responding after entering wrong password
Remote Preview: could track current transfer rate incorrectly
Guided tours: make sure images can be imported by touch input
Guided tours: fix a few cases where unexpected actions could derail tours
Font picker dialog: improve detection of available local fonts
Scene graph: recreate missing children when using 'Set from JSON'
Tweens: possible issue reloading state in quick succession
Animations editor: image point and collision polygon changes not saved in certain conditions
Animations editor: issue zooming with mouse wheel when using altered system scroll speed setting
Data editor: copy UI state information when duplicating array or dictionary file
Data editor: crash loading dictionaries (regression r287)
Drawing Canvas: could paste objects incorrectly in some circumstances (regression r286)
Android exports not working (regression r287)
Video: playback could flicker in some cases (regression r287)
Editor: preserve overall tab order while dragging a tab to move it
HTML element: ensure subresource requests (e.g. <img> tag src) load in preview
HTML element: did not correctly handle clicks on animated SVGs
Deduplicating images on export could sometimes incorrectly deduplicate different images
Crash using "AsJson" expression (regression r287)
Templates: crash adding an instance to a family with behaviours or effects (regression r286)
Templates: crash changing the type of an instance variable (regression r286)
Templates: replicas not using the correct opacity value at runtime
Templates: avoid generating duplicate templates when using copy/paste
Templates: some instance variables not being picked up from the template
Layout view: incorrect sizing of instances after undoing changes made in the animations editor
Data editor: fix rendering of multi-line content in a cell
Data editor: did not always correctly paste multi-line content
Particles: possible crash loading saved state (regression r271)
Templates: error opening project after saving using templates in different layouts
Templates: crash right clicking on some elements of the Properties Bar
Templates: crash adding behaviors or effects to a families (regression r286)
Templates: add missing undo points when using the options to apply template values to replicas
Properties bar: default browser context menu not shown on input elements (regression r286)
Scene graph: instances using a hierarchy and the persist behavior not always recreated properly when changing layouts
Windows WebView2 export: allow automatic audio/video playback on startup
Drawing Canvas: 'Paste object' worked incorrectly with 'regular' Z axis scale
Work around possible Android WebView bug causing janky framerate when Multiplayer plugin present
Improve addon install confirmation dialog formatting with CJK languages
Extra dialogs shown during guided tours could not be interacted with
Avoid browser extension crashes causing editor crashes
Mouse/touch input on form controls still affected other objects (regression)
Could not preview or export with Video plugin (regression r286)
Sprite 'Spawn' action did not pick correctly when using 'On created' trigger
System viewport expressions not immediately updated after changing scroll/scale/etc.
Audio: changing master volume stopped all fades
Animations editor: collision polygon text input not updating properly in certain conditions (Firefox)
Animations editor: zip files with multiple sub folders not imported correctly
Animations editor: possible crash loading large zip files with nested content
Animations editor: lock the UI when loading a large amount of files
Timeline bar: bar was set to automatically close if free edition was detected
Timeline bar: instance variable, effect and behavior values not set properly on absolute timelines
Timeline bar: ensure duration of audio tracks is visible
Timeline bar: show the new keyboard shortcut for previewing a timeline in the toolbar button tooltip
Layout View: resizing rotated objects handled incorrectly (regression r278)
Global layers: crash duplicating a layout with global layers (regression r283)
Animations editor: possible crash importing files through drag & drop
Z Order bar: crash dragging layer items on top of instance items
Possible crash renaming instance variable after closing a project
Crash taking guided tour when WebGL unavailable
Possible runtime crash using WebGL 1 in worker mode
Start Page: "Explore" header not translatable