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New HTML Element plugin; Templates improvements; bug fixes & performance improvements
22 March, 2022 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct 3
We have another big update for you today! First up is a brand new HTML Element plugin. This lets you conveniently insert a snippet of custom HTML in your project. This can be used for anything for a kind of advanced Text object using CSS styling to, potentially, designing parts of your game in HTML. This ties in well with new support for adding stylesheets via project files: just add a stylesheet and set its Purpose property to Stylesheet, and it will be added as a stylesheet for the page. Then you can add styles to the CSS file to customise the appearance of the HTML element. All other HTML-based plugins like Button and Text Input also now have a Class property so you can use the same method to conveniently style those too.
Another HTML-related feature is you can now also add HTML project files and change their Purpose property to insert their contents to the exported index.html file. For example if you want to add some custom meta tags to the head element, these can be inserted by adding them to a HTML file with the purpose End of <head>.
We've also continued to improve the new Templates feature with a variety of bug fixes and improvements, including now using an expression instead of a dropdown list to choose a template, so you can use an expression to choose the template. Finally as ever there's a batch of other bug fixes and improvements, and even a couple of performance improvements. Happy testing!
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Exécuter r287
Nouvelles fonctionnalités
New plugin 'HTML Element'
Nouveaux ajouts
New example 'Tower defense game'
'Purpose' property for HTML project files, allowing inserting snippets in exported HTML
'Purpose' property for CSS project files, allowing adding custom stylesheets
'Class' property for form control plugins, allowing easy styling of groups of controls
Templates: use expression instead of drop down to choose a template
Templates: use different highlighting when using an instance's own value instead of the one in the template
Templates: only show relevant properties in the Properties Bar
Rename 'Game recorder' plugin to 'Video recorder'
Properties Bar: make sure checkbox properties don't respond to clicks near scrollbar
Android exports: update to target API level 31 (Android 12)
Corrections de bug
Templates: error opening project after saving using templates in different layouts
Templates: crash right clicking on some elements of the Properties Bar
Templates: crash adding behaviors or effects to a families (regression r286)
Templates: add missing undo points when using the options to apply template values to replicas
Properties bar: default browser context menu not shown on input elements (regression r286)
Scene graph: instances using a hierarchy and the persist behavior not always recreated properly when changing layouts
Windows WebView2 export: allow automatic audio/video playback on startup
Drawing Canvas: 'Paste object' worked incorrectly with 'regular' Z axis scale
Work around possible Android WebView bug causing janky framerate when Multiplayer plugin present
Improve addon install confirmation dialog formatting with CJK languages
Extra dialogs shown during guided tours could not be interacted with
Avoid browser extension crashes causing editor crashes
Mouse/touch input on form controls still affected other objects (regression)
Could not preview or export with Video plugin (regression r286)
Amélioration des performances
Improve load time of editor and preview
Improve performance of video playback in DOM mode
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