Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
Associate .c3p file extension; minifier update; hierarchies & templates improvements; bug fixes
17 May, 2022 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct 3
In this release we're adding support for associating the .c3p file extension with Construct in Chrome! This is supported thanks to a new feature in Chrome 102+ which you can test now on the beta channel, and is due for stable release next week. You'll need to install Construct as an app in Chrome as this feature only works for installed web apps. We're rolling it out a little in advance to help make sure it works in production, but if it goes smoothly, this (finally) provides a way to open .c3p files directly!
We've also updated the minifier used on export to a newer version of Closure Compiler. This should allow using the latest JavaScript features like nullish coalescing (??) when exporting with minification. Updating the minifier is complicated work though so watch out for any unexpected issues.
Other than that we have a big batch of additions, changes and fixes, including updates for hierarchies, templates and scripting, and fixes for some regressions in the previous release. Happy testing!
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Exécuter r295
Nouvelles fonctionnalités
Allow associating .c3p file extension with Construct when installed with Chrome 102+
Nouveaux ajouts
HTML Element: 'Origin' property
Hierarchies: add 'AllChildCount' expression to count all descendants of an instance
Hierarchies: add option to compare own or all children in 'Compare child count' condition
Timelines: option to transform a timeline's X and Y properties along with related hierarchies
Templates: add system condition to check if a template exists
Templates: add expression 'TemplateName' returning name of the template used to create an instance (if any)
Cordova exports: allow project name starting with a number
Update export minifier to Closure Compiler v20220202, which supports latest JS features
Corrections de bug
file: protocol warning not working for web exports (regression)
Text/SpriteFont: ensure typewriter text works per grapheme
Text/SpriteFont: did not treat \r\n sequence as newline (regression r294)
'Create object' inside function calls could incorrectly leave instances picked (regression r294)
Animations editor: crash attempting to cut frames while nothing to cut was selected
Animations editor: snapping to the grid not working as expected with hi-dpi displays
Layout view: make overridden layers independent from global layer with visible/locked properties
Timelines: bezier curves not working as expected if start/end value share same X/Y position
Timelines: crash changing 'Start on layout' to '(none)'
Templates: ensure that deleting a template updates all related replicas state as expected
Templates: project failing to load when used in combination with hierarchies
Hierarchies: position of child instances was not transformed when turning off the option to follow the parent's angle
Amélioration des performances
Improve performance of text wrapping (performance regression r294)
Scripting updates
HTML Element: add script methods positionInstanceAtElement(), createSpriteImgElement()
Throw in ISpriteInstance.setAnimation() if animation name does not exist
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