Taser's Forum Posts

  • I have extremely bad internet 144kb connection so using the standard

    "wss://multiplayer.scirra.com" as a signal server isn't the best for testing as many times it just straight up fails to connect at all.

    Is there a way I can locally connect to a signal server?

  • Idk why it tells me every time I go to use the program to login then? O.o

  • I have the worst internet in the world at 144kb connection , Trying to login to the account every time I start up Construct 3 is the worst as it won't let me login.

    How can I get a full offline version of the engine without having the login every single time I try to do something.

  • I've noticed that when you make an Array too big the game crashes.

    I tired to do a 5000x5000 array and it was like NOPE!

    So Idk Arrays smaller than 100x2 are fine but much bigger and forget about it.

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    Have you read the numerous threads that have already discussed this ad nauseum?

    Not happening.

    If they're so "numerous" shouldn't that make you guys as a company take a second look at the subscription model. Hmm Why not have a Subscription model AND a One Time Life Time payment Option.

    Think about it. Most people are only going to use Construct 3 for maybe 1-2 years. So you'll get max $100-$200 per person.

    If you did a $300 Life Time One Time Payment you'll actually earn more money...

    When I am in Botswana, there is only a very poor internet connection and I can use Construct 3 without any problem.

    The offline version works fine.

    A one time payment kills the resources for the developer fast. Imagine you working for your boss and your boss pays you only one month. How many months are you gonna work for that boss for that one time salary?

    That is exactly what you are asking from Scirra with your one time payment. How is Scirra gonna pay their developers? Their families?

    Tell me when the initial one time payment source is drying up, how will Scirra find the funds to add new features, constantly improve. Or does that not matter as long as you have your one time payment.

    Please be serious. The subscription model is so much better than the lifetime licenses for C2. The subscription model will guarantee Scirra a constant flow of revenue which on its turn can be used to add new features, platforms and pay the developers.

    Do you really want to use a tool with a very insecure financial future or doesn't it matter as long as you can hack and clone around?

    Really, I get tired of this kind of threads showing up from time to time.

    Do you know what; if you don't have the money, learn JavaScript, Python and code your game yourself. Both languages are free, you do not have to pay anything. And when you finally finished your game, give it for free to the internet. Lets see how long Nelostic will be happy.

    Your bad internet is a very poor excuse and you know it. You want things for free but only the sun goes up for free every day and even that will come to an end in the very far future.

    I'm not gonna lie this is a stupid argument.

    Plenty of companies run off of buy a product once model so that whole argument is dumb. A better engine will draw more customers which keeps the influx of money going without having to charge someone every year. Also that whole " your boss pay you one time" is bad logic... Sorry but they're a company not an employee working for a company.. Customers pay them one time yeah... but there is a lot of customers and new customers show up all the time.

    A Tool shouldn't be based on if the company is doing good or not, That's just bad design.

    Also what are these new features? I haven't seen much of anything except for a hand full of things but defiantly nothing that suggest $100 a year from every customer they have.

    "Really, I get tired of this kind of threads showing up from time to time." Deal with it, Many people don't like the subscription model and no one is forcing you to read these type of post or even better make a stupid comment. People have the right to express their opinion and honestly who cares what you get tired of king nothing.

    "You want things for free" No he didn't say for free, If you actually read what he wrote he's talking about PAYING FOR THE ENGINE!

    Also another thing is yeah anyone can learn C# or Java or any of that, But Construct is a TOOL!

    "How is Scirra gonna pay their developers? Their families?"

    Hmmmm I don't know let's see here... hmmmmm Oh! I got it, BY SELLING COPIES OF CONSTRUCT 3!!!

    A Subscription model doesn't mean you'll get a better product or that the company will grow, All it's done is alienate half of the community. Another thing it wouldn't be so bad if they didn't leave Construct 2 in the terrible shape that it's in.

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  • Well to be honest with you The best advice I could give is to start small.

    Plan what the end game is and give yourself steps to complete it.

    Construct 3 isn't everything but what it does it does well.

  • Remove For Each

    Mouse Cursor Over Object >

    Object is playing Animation (Your animation) >>> Set Animation

    Object is Not Playing Animation (Your Animation) >> Set Animation.

    You don't need a for each.

    Because A company always starts with values then they get greedy for more money.

    Many people don't like the subscription based model but... You got two options, Don't pay it or deal with it.

    I've thought about it honestly and at this point Construct 3 is $100 subscription for a year which is less than $10/month.

    Other Game Engines like unreal want to take a cut out of your earnings.

    Unity wants you to pay $25/month down from $35/month but still lock you into a sort of contract.

    Then you got things like Google Plays developer fee and steams 30% of earnings...

    Any way you look at it you're getting screwed, Might as well take the option that doesn't hurt so much.

    Plus to be frank I've spent way over $100 for tools and Construct 3 is that, A tool.

    Once I used it for what I need it to be, I'll move on. So that $100 a year isn't all that bad.

  • Does the tilemap render parts where there is no image displayed?

    I made a tilemap 85k x 85k and the game started to lag terribly after doing so.

  • Well the weird thing is guys that I added in a On Kicked event that would update a text and never seen it happen but then a couple guys I sent a preview link to say they can see their characters for one second then they get a Kicked message. No reason, nothing says to kick anyone in the code.

    Other people though join no problem.

  • Basically I have two users who say they can't connect to the game.

    But everyone else seems to connect perfectly fine. I've even been able to connect though my phone.

    I got no reason to believe they're lying as they really want to play.

    They've used chrome and Firefox and I asked them if they was using a VPN and they said no.

    What could be the issue?

    Mind you I'm sending the preview link for the game and not a direct copy.

    What could be the issue?

    Multiplayer works for everyone but these two people

  • Problem:Spites values won't update for peer when the host updates the value.

    What my Logic is:

    Peer: On LMB click -> Send Message to host

    Host: On Message From Peer - > Create spite

    update sprite's string to Multiplayer.FromID


    Sprite is created for both the Host and the Peer.

    Host can see the Sprite's new value but Peer can not.


    Sprite is sync'd over the network.

    Sprite's string variable is sync'd over the network.

    Trouble Shooting

    I've created Global Values and tried updating them first then creating the sprite later then adding the string to the sprite but this failed but same results (Host can see new value, Peer can not)


    It is game breaking if I can't have the peers see who "owns" what sprite is created by who.

    I'm not really sure what is going on here as I've done this in other ways where if you hit space bar everything turns out fine with the right values but for this it just seems to refuse to work. Idk Maybe you can help. Hope this was straight forward.

  • Ashley

    Can you please add an option to remove the white bars when you use a command like


    I find it gets in the way and isn't helpful at all thanks.

    Side note: How do you post pictures in this thing? I uploaded the image but it doesn't show up in the post. Thanks.