Taser's Forum Posts

  • I already know about that.

    What I'm saying is a feature where you already know which tile you want to change without outside data and all you want to do is change that tile.

    Say you got

    1 2 3

    4 5 6

    7 8 9

    You already know you want to change 5 so instead of saying MOUSE.X MOUSE.Y BLAH BLAH complex system follows.

    You have set tile at tile 5 to - tile 2 Simple

  • Key notes:

    I'm not using any 3rd party plugins, just the default construct 2.

    I'm not using a different version of construct 2 than the one the project was built in.

    All I did was save my project, close out construct 2 and turn the computer off for the night, in the morning I reopened construct 2 and when I went to open my project it gave me this error:

    Failed to open project C:\Users\MyName\Desktop\ProjectName\V.01\ProjectName.caproj

    Error document empty

    The file may be invalid. Try checking the file in a text editor (Projects are saved in XML format)

    Did I just lose my entire project? Ashley

    How does one fix this issue?

  • Excellent thank you for the reply.

    The information is getting sent though the multiplayer plugin and it's time sensitive, meaning I can't send the information separate thought multiple messages otherwise it could corrupt the data with other user inputs.

  • Ashley

    I'll be quick,

    How about adding a (Set at Tile Number) to the Tile map expressions.


    Like say you want to change tile 20 in the tilemap

    And you've already got the value of 20.

    You would use (Set at Tile number) to change tile 20's value to the value you want.

    I'm using Construct 2 btw thanks :) if there is a plugin that does this please let me know.

  • How can I store two strings in a var and then later grab one of the two strings from that var?


    Mouse X

    Mouse Y

    var Place = Mouse.X + Mouse.Y

    Set TextA (Place -> Convert -> Mouse.X)

    Set TextB (Place -> Convert -> Mouse.Y)

  • Like I just want to add some ads to the start page of my game but it's not a phone app.

    How can I do this?

  • > lennaert

    > Oh excuse me I didn't know we had an online SAS comment section bad ass here.

    > Maybe you can make a tutorial on how to be a witty douche to people making jokes.



    Hit a nerf aye ....

    Put That in an endless loop and you'll get a nervous breakdown.

    LOL!!!! " Hit a nerf "

  • lennaert

    Oh excuse me I didn't know we had an online SAS comment section bad ass here.

    Maybe you can make a tutorial on how to be a witty douche to people making jokes.


    Yes bro I know why it happens. Honestly it's super simple and I just thought it was funny.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I ran into this and laughed a little.

    Make a sprite then make these events.

    For Each Sprite > Sprite Spawn a Sprite.

    Then just watch your computer just bug out.

  • Figured it out (kinda)

    Basically when a multiplayer message is being sent it has to be converted into a global value first.

    Very weird.

    But honestly thank you so much for all your help. With this I'm 70% done with my game and I'll pm you a key If I get green lighted.

  • No it didn't, I think I might of ran into some bug. I'm not new at all and this concept I've done a few hundred times that's why this is so strange. I'll report back anything I find. Thank you for your help.

  • hmmm It would seem that there was a dupe of the items but it only happens once at the start of the game. Very strange that it doesn't repeat it's self.

  • Yeah that's what I'm saying it's created from the host side then sync'd to spawn on the peer side.

    But when I go to destroy it on the host side it still remains on the peer side this is the weirdest bug or logic break I've ever had.

  • Object ball is sync'd

    Peer sends message to host to destroy the ball.

    Host Side:

    Ball is destroyed.

    Peer Side:

    Ball is NOT destroyed.

    Doesn't the host handle all the objects in the game? Shouldn't when the object that is sync'd when destroyed by the host update to all peers that the objects has been removed?

  • First off thank you so much oosyrag for all your help.

    This is what I got so far,


    On left mouse button down.

    Send message to host str(value1|value2)


    on peer message > set global value to multiplayer message.

    set text to global value

    Error prints out " 1 "

    But should so 1 = value 1 5 = value 2

    What's wrong with this?