Taser's Forum Posts

  • Why don't you put the tilemap for you character on a new layer, then rotate the layer? Maybe that could work?

    Yes that does work but when your talking about multiplayer it's another story because you would have to make a layer for each player.

  • Do you mean by rotation? If so, tilemaps purpose are to have blocky style games (like placing blocks on a grid)

    No it's actually supposed to help with building levels and better optimization. But why couldn't someone use a Tile map for a character or something else.

    It would be much better to use one tile map then creating hundreds of animations for one character. My game is a building game but you build the character not the world.

  • Something like that?


    capx example:

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5FlDY ... sp=sharing

    My game is a multiplayer game and I wanted to use tile maps as the characters of my game so yes it "fixes" the problem but for the great scale of multiplayer it doesn't. Because each player needs to be able to control their character and I can't create a number of layers because I'm not sure how many people will be playing at one time or how much I'll scale it. It could be 2 -4 players or it could be 32-64.

  • I'm trying to use a tile map for a game character for a top down game and it's not allowing me to set the angle of the tile map. It's only one fixed position.

  • Basically I'm wanting the player to be able to have a tile map rotate toward the position of the mouse.

    For a normal sprite this is easy but I don't see an option for tilemap.

  • Basically what I want to know is do you need to unassociate a spite when you want

    to Associate a new sprite with the peer id?

    Basically I'm trying to figure out how to go from a car to walking to driving a different car all in


  • Rex plugins are well known and trusted by many Construct 2 developers myself included. Other wise you'll just have to figure it out.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I'll give you some bread crumbs,


    Look for the Rex Authentication Plugins for Parse.

    Basically how I was doing it was using the Parse service but since it's being shut down January next year I'm currently looking for another option myself.

    It was super simple, Just put in a Javascript Key and a App ID key all found on Parse do a little magic work in construct 2 with events and bam done.

  • Alright so we have the multiplayer real time set up when you create a new project but how do we use bullets instead of the aim point?

  • What I want is a way to broadcast a message but exclude one of the peers. Such as if a peer sends a message to the host and then the host broadcasts that message to everyone except the peer that sent the message.

    An example would kind of look like this

    Every 1 second

    Is Host Broadcast meseage tag"" message"whatever you want" except for peer id "PeerID"

    This could be really helpful when the peer is sending a value he wants the rest of the peers to get but doesn't want the message sent back to him.

  • When using the UserMedia Plugin how do you get two players to be able to speak to one another?

    I'm a decently knowledge user of construct 2 but I've never used this plugin before and when I checked the manual It was helpful but really didn't answer the question so any help you could give me would be very much appreciated.

  • What I'm trying to do is broadcast a message from the host to the peer but not being a string but a value.

    I'll give you an example:

    In my game there is like 10 banks and each bank holds it's own value which players can change around as they play. There is a dedicated host so the host will always have the proper number in each bank but my problem is when a new player joins I need to tell that peer what the value is in each bank but when trying to use the broadcast message and placing a instance value inside of it it tells me it can't send values but must be a string.

    A little more:

    Now I know I could make a crazy system where it changes words into numbers but I feel that is a bit much when you take into consideration that well I'd have to make hundreds of these convert expressions.

    Thank you for your help!

  • Doe's anyone know the limit of values you can sync with a host?

    To clarify I don't mean how many times a value can be changed but how many values can be synced at the same time such as






    After that at what point will there start to be lag or lat issues?

  • Basically I want to know how do I Sync a tilemap for multiplayer?

    When the one player clicks to remove a block or place down a block I want all the players to see the block placed or removed.

  • Nothing is impossible.

    No matter what anyone says if you want it bad enough you will learn & work your butt off to get it. Good luck.