I presume your trying to download this file using the Array plugins "download" action? I expect the method is struggling with the array size, but it's not clear why. If you submit a bug to our issue tracker with a barebones version of the project your using to generate the array we can take a closer look.
You can include JSON files ( in our array format ) into your project by importing them into the "files" folder. To load the file in your game you can use the AJAX plugin to get the file as a string, then use that to create your array. We don't support a pure binary form of array files at the moment, only JSON. Binary formats tend to be a lot smaller, and often faster to load, but need specialist tools to view or edit them. Whereas textual ones like JSON are can be read in any text editor ( notepad or textedit for instance ).
The inbuilt array editor in C3 can create arrays up to 1000 x 1000 x 1000. But in practise I wouldn't advise trying to create an array that large, I think the highest I've got it to load is about 60 million cells before chrome runs out of memory, but your mileage may vary.
I was curious how much memory such a large array would use, so I've done a bit of testing. Within the runtime it's hard to predict quite how much memory an array is going to consume, and even with the same data it's going to vary depending on a lot of factors.
You can get a rough estimate by counting the number of objects that make up the array. For starters all arrays in construct are 3D even if your only using a simple 1D array. This 3D array is made from lots of smaller 1D arrays, structured as an array of arrays of arrays.
Number of sub arrays = (width x height) + width + 1
Number of items = width x height x depth
Size of a string (bytes) = 2 x length
Size of a number (bytes) = 8
Size of an array (bytes) = 32
So for an array of numbers ( I used 0 as my number ) with the dimensions [5000, 5000, 1] you would need 900MB. In practise I saw about a 960MB memory increase when I created an object that size ( actually a smaller margin of error than I was expecting ). Unfortunately I can't be any more precise, because the memory profiler in chrome cannot deal with an object this large ( it crashed the tab every time I ran it ). Converting that to JSON gets you a string that is 100 million characters long ( 200MB ). When you use the download method in the array plugin that JSON string is then URI encoded, which increases it's length by 2.5 times. That should be 250 million characters ( 500MB ) but in practise chrome crashed again at this point. If your curious supposedly the maximum length for a string in chrome is about 1 billion characters.
Okay final tally. Say I had that data as a file, used AJAX to get it over the network, passed it into my array then tried to download it. How much memory would that use?
200MB + 960MB + 200MB + 500MB = 1.86GB
700MB of that would be garbage collected after the download had completed, but its still quite a lot!