SeriousGamer's Forum Posts

  • How do you keep a player from rotating in relation to the background or enemy sprites? For example, when you press WASD keys, the player object will normally move up down, turn left or right, what if I want to keep the object from turning, but instead the background is the one that does the turning. The player object remains unmoved. I can keep the object at centre screen using Scroll to behavior buy that's about all it can do. Any idea? Please help. Thanks

  • Ok, I have multiple objects (Robo) with instance variable (Data = number with value of either 0 or 1). When 2 Robos collide, and if any one of them has a Data value of 1, I want the Robo with the lowest value of Data, ie. 0 to change to 1. I tried the following but they don't seem to work. Is the code wrong or did I miss something?

    Basically, I want the Robo who has data (Data =1) to "transfer data" to the Robo that has no data (Data =0) upon collision such that after collision, both Robo now have Data =1.

  • Is the Webview2 export for Steam ready for use? I understand for nwjs export you need to copy the Steamworks SDK dlls into the package. Do you still need to do that for Webview2?

  • If I am using the 3D camera, how do I check or have the system return the value of angle of rotation for 3Dcamera along the Z-axis, say, for instance if the player/camera is tilting or looking downward or upward, how do I get the angle of tilt (value in degrees) for the camera?

  • I think I may be having similar issues with the mouse camera. It starts off okay but in less than a minute or so into the game as you navigate with your mouse, it will suddenly snap to a particular random angle when the mouse is scrolled past a certain angle.

    Funny thing is for me, this problem never arise while playing in C3 mode, it only happens after exporting to nw.js format. I tried using different modes while exporting, eg. kiosk mode, resizeable windows, window frame, etc but to no avail, as problem still persists. Again, the problem happens only after it is exported. No such issue when playing in C3 browser mode.

    Judging from the number of people having similar issues with this, I think C3 people should seriously find a solution to this problem.

    I have attached the camera event action as follows.

  • I have some layouts that benefit from shorter "far distance" and other layouts that benefit from longer "far distance". Is there a way to change the value of "far distance" in Advanced Properties (left panel) via an Event Sheet instead using the left panel? Currently I found that changing any value on the left panel (advanced properties) gets automatically applied to all layouts. Kindly help. Thank you.

  • I guess that's a plausible explanation. Anyway, I've found a way to reduce the jerkiness of the 3D camera which is to reduce the "observable" distance in the Display option. Your explanation gave me a hunch and I was glad it was right. I suppose reducing the "observable" distance reduces the memory needed to render the objects in the field of vision. So problem is SOLVED! Thanks a heap!

  • How does that explain the fact that moving in one direction (when facing a direction with less sprites or 3D shapes) gives a smooth camera motion while moving in another direction (which faces more 3D shapes) becomes jerky. If the performance is limited by the device, then it should be jerky all around regardless of whichever direction it moves toward. Besides, it is not like there are thousands of sprites for the program to work around with (I've specifically made each sprite and 3D shape resolutions to be as low as possible, so it shouldn't be affected by large graphics). I've enabled v-sync and worker but the issue still persists.

  • Hi, I am working on a 3D game using C3 and I can't help but notice the camera to be a little jerky while moving towards a specific direction but was smooth when moving in another direction. Upon several experimentation, I managed to find the cause of this rather strange occurrence. When the camera is moving towards a direction that faces a lot of sprites and 3D shapes, the camera motion tends to be jerky. Moving towards a direction that faces less or little sprites and 3D models, the camera motion is pretty smooth. However, I have no idea how to solve this issue. Is it a performance issue (I tried switching btwn the fullscreen performance (low vs high) and toggle with all the display options available but to no avail. Is the C3 development team aware of this problem?

  • I've an issue with the collision filtering and I'm not sure where I got wrong. I've attached a picture to describe the issue. Based on this, red enemy (a solid with Bullet Behavior) will bounce off the Stairs upon collision. I want the Player to be able to move onto (overlap) the Stairs without disabling the Stairs collision with the Red enemy. I tried disabling the Stair collision upon Player’s overlap but this will only cause the Red Enemy to move through the Stairs. So I tried using the Solid tags on Player, Stairs and enemy but now the Player cannot overlap or move onto the Stairs.

  • I am creating a 3D Shape object that moves along X and Y axis, but also have the ability to move along Z-Elevation (eg. climbing a 3D wall). The movement along x and y axis can be executed easily using Bullet behavior. However, I am stuck on how to make it move along the Z-Elevation (at a certain speed and angle). Here's what I did with reference to the image attached below.

    On collision with a 3D wall (north wall), I set the 3Dshape (pink object) angle to be either 0 or 180 degree (left or right movement). How do I make it move up or down the Z-elevation? And how do I set it's 3D facing direction to the angle of its Z-elevation motion? Much appreciated.

  • When 2 same sprites overlap each other, I want the one lower to move up above the one on top. But since both are the same sprites, how does the code distinguish which sprite to move up? Thanks!

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  • I noticed when sprite A (with solid behavior) is pinned to player with 8-direction behavior, solid A simply loses its solid properties, for example, it moves through a solid wall. I tried using tags to assign the solidity but to no avail. How do I retain the solid properties of sprite A so that it can collide and be stopped by another solid, say, a wall?

  • Ah yes, thank you! I've got it. Just put the text on a 2D layer above the 3D layer and that's it. As for zooming, moving them closer is pretty much I can do about it. But thanks nonetheless.

  • In regular 2D game, a text box will by default face the screen but in 3D where the camera in involved, how do you make the text box face the screen like shown in the image below? Also, I don't seem to be able to zoom the camera.