SeriousGamer's Forum Posts

  • Player sprite can be moved by clicking on the mouse. On mouse left click, it spawns a target that directs the player sprite's angle towards it. Player sprite stops when it touches the target sprite. It works fine when the layout scale is 1:1. But as soon as I zoom out (eg. layout scale at 0.1), clicking the mouse outside the layout cause the sprite movement to look a bit jerky. I suspect the target sprite was created within the confines of the layout or screen size even though I'm clicking far off (near the edge of the screen), I'm not sure. Enlarging the layout size doesn't solve the problem.

  • Hey guys, I made a game last year using C3 monthly subscription license. The game has Greenworks plugin installed. A couple of months back, I opened the file and did some updates and it all looked fine and dandy. But when I tried to open the file again yesterday, suddenly a pop up saying there's a missing addon, please install: Greenworks. Now I can't open the file anymore. Has the plugin suddenly disappeared from my file? Also, if I can't open the file, how am I going to reinstall it (as I remember the plugin was installed using Addon Manager inside C3)? Is the issue caused by a bug in the newer version of C3 (the last time I opened it was in Jan and there wasn't any issue)?

  • Steam launched the latest SDK ver 1.52 (currently). However, Greenwork's latest version 0.60 requires Steam SDK ver 1.50. Does it work if we're using SDK 1.52? Reason being older versions of Steam SDK is no longer accessible. Or can someone advise me on this?

  • I just found out that pathfinding does not work with unbounded scrolling. The sprite simply stuck there not moving. But I need pathfinding for enemy AI. Are there any other ways to keep the player sprite at the centre of the screen while it moves around? Or an alternative to enemy pathfinding, perhaps? Thanks in advance.

  • Great timing! I just sent a bug report to Scirra Github on this issue. It appears that the problem has something to do with the choice of minification on export. The audio does not work with exports using advanced minification. With simple and no minification, all audio works fine. So I believe it may not be the issue of audio format (all audio in webm) but more related to the choice of minification. For large file exports, advanced minification is important to help reduce file size but that shouldn't come in the expense of audio.

  • It seems this audio problem after exporting to nwjs is rather frequent when I browse through the forum. In fact, I am currently facing the same problem. The audio (music and sound) works fine when using C3 preview. But when it is exported to nwjs, the audio no longer works (no sound, no music). The funny thing is my original file formats are ogg and wav when I imported them to C3 and they all get automatically converted to webm format by C3. So according to Ashley, it should work, right? But nope, they don't. And I am still scratching my head trying to find out what is going on. Any clue, anyone?

  • There are 2 questions regarding this topic which are related to one another:

    Question 1: I understand for C3, the saved data for Local Storage is placed in the appdata folder section of the PC with the name of the game on it. However, there are many files in it. There is a total of 154 files in the game folder itself but which of those files (format) actually carries the saved data? I am trying to setup Steam Auto Cloud but I am not sure which file to point to since there are so many. Copying all of them will take up larger space.

    Question 2: Since the Local Storage data is stored in the appdata folder, deleting the game folder should technically remove the saved data, right? I experimented a bit by removing the entire game folder and yet the game is still able to reload all the local storage data when I start the game. How is this so?

  • The thing is, I am facing a resolution issue whenever my game is exported to nwjs version 33.3. Exporting to nwjs v46.0 (the latest version at the time of writing) gives none of that problem. That means downloading Greenworks v33.3r2 from Construct 3's website would not be useful. How then do I download the version of Greenworks that is compatible to my nwjs v46.0? Do I download directly from the prebuild website? Or how? I am a little lost here. And really appreciate some help.

  • The website makes it easy to choose the prebuild based on the OS, architecture and runtime required but are the prebuilds standalone (contains everything) or does the user need to install the original Greenworks (as found in Construct3 website, I think the latest version is for nwjs 33.3) prior to installing the prebuild?

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  • Oh, you mean the saved data from Local Storage are not stored in the browser cache? I must have read it wrongly somewhere. Where are the data stored then? Are they susceptible to browser data clearing?

    Based on the example you gave, "NWJS Write text file" action to save the data, how different is it from saving data using Local Storage? Can it replace the Local Storage function entirely? Sorry, I am a little bad at this stuff. All I wanted to do is to create a subfolder in the My Document folder where I can save and load my global variable data from my NWJS exported game without having to use Local Storage functions, if that's possible.

  • Previously I used Local Storage function to save all my globalvar data and load them at the start of the game, for instance, If LevelKey exist > get LevelKey, Set GameLevel to ItemValue. But I understand saving my game this way makes them susceptible to being overwritten (cleared into oblivion) if user accidentally clear their browser cache. Since my game is exported to NWJS format, is there any way I can save it in a different folder, say a subfolder in My Documents?

    And how do I save and pull those global variable data at the start of the game using this method?

    I have multiple globalvar data to save and load. Also, does it render Local Storage functions unusable? I haven't seen much clear examples for this. Can I get anyone's assistance on this? Much appreciated.

  • Tried that. I wonder why it didn't work. The "For each" command should have designated each sprite as separate individual. I wonder what went wrong. I have tried as many combinations as I can possibly think of, replacing trigger with "For each" and vice versa, putting them together, in different lines, the outcome is still the same. Without the "trigger once" command, all the Enemy's animation cannot transition to the next animation and kept looping when hit about the same time. But with the "trigger once", only one Enemy can successfully transition when multiple Enemies are hit about the same time. Oh, Lord... :'''(((

  • Yes, Plinkie, you were right! It was on "overlapping". Changing to "on collision" solves the problem. However a new problem pop up where the subsequent animation kept looping. Ok, here's the event sheet of how it looks like:

    Line 1

    Bullet on collision with Enemy > Enemy set instance variable "Shot" to true.

    Line 2

    When Enemy: "Shot" is true :

    Set animation to "A" (play from beginning)

    Wait 3 sec

    Enemy set ReadytoExplode to true (boolean)

    Line 3

    When ReadyExplode is true; System" "UpgradeGun" = 1 :

    Wait 3 secs

    Set animation to "B" (play from beginning)

    Line 4

    On animation "B" is finished, set animation to "C"

    So basically when enemy get shot, it plays animation A and then proceed to play animation B after X seconds (depending on the UpgradeGun score). After animation B is finished, it should move to animation C. However, my problem is animation B kept looping and can't transition to animation C even though Line 4 says on animation B finished. When I put trigger once to Line 3, it solved the problem (meaning animation B transition to C successfully) but when multiple enemies get shot at the same time, only one managed to complete to animation C while the rest keep looping.

  • I have been having some problem with the Event that I'm working on. Basically the game has multiple units of the same sprites. When an action say a bullet hits on one sprite, it will trigger an event, say an animation. The problem I noticed is when two bullets hit 2 sprites at almost the same time, only one sprite will execute the event while the other does not. But if the actions are done one after another more than 2 seconds apart, there is no problem. I am not sure but I suspect it has to do with the trigger once action that I included in the action.

    The action had a trigger once while true (it is needed because if I remove this part, the following animation trigger will persist continue on and on which I do not want even though I have assigned a line that says "On animation finished, do next action", it didn't work). Is there anyway to mitigate this effect so the system treats these 2 similar sprites as separate and execute separately? Please help. Thanks

  • Was wondering if there is anyway to integrate Applovin SDK into the app? Apparently you need to integrate the SDK before Admob mediation can run the ads from Applovin.