SeriousGamer's Forum Posts

  • I have been noticing lately that Construct 3 Android Builder has been very slow in building up my app. My internet connection is fairly good so I am not sure if it is the issue with C3 server because it seems to hang when it is "Connected to Server". The size of my APK is less than 30MB and it is taking more than 30 minutes to reach "Preparing Build" but finally not being able to get the exported files because it hangs. Construct 3 admins may want to take a look at this technical issue.

    Thanks Eren, that was helpful. In fact I found out that you can export your C3 file (c3p format) using either Construct 3's built-in APK Builder (which is AWESOME btw!) or Android Studio. If you use Android Studio, however, it can create App Bundle which Google Play Store requires. So either way is good. In fact I still prefer using C3's built-in APK Builder which saves me tons of work and time when exporting to other platforms which is AWESOME!

    Hi, I have created a signed APK for my game (76 MB) to be uploaded to Google Play Store but somehow got blocked (cannot proceed to upload) as Google Play Store generated a warning message for me to upload App Bundle instead. I have uploaded a few games early this year but this is the first time Google request to upload App Bundle. Does anyone have this problem and how to solve it?

  • Oh, that's awesome! Thanks a heap

  • Hi, I'd like a little help on this. I am creating a global variable, say Score and if each time Score adds 1 point, it will execute an action (fixed action). But I end up with this:

    System - Score = 1 : Execute action A

    System - Score = 2 : Execute action A

    System - Score = 3 : Execute action A

    System - Score = X : Execute action A

    Anyway to simplify this? Many thanks in advance.

  • Hi Plinkie, thanks. I think you're right. It is about the picked object. The collision worked fine. I missed out the actual object to activate the event. Was scratching my head for hours on the debug mode till it finally hit me. The debug mode is pretty useful for debugging. Thanks for responding anyway. I suppose we can close this thread. The C3 community is great! And very helpful too.

  • I encountered some issues with the game score keeping track of itself. I created some block such that when a block collides with another, it will add 1 point to its own instance variable. When its instance variable is equal to 1, it will add 1 point to the Game Score (a global variable). At times, the block seems to update its instance variable after collision, BUT at other times, it doesn't even though it collided with another block (I ran a debug to check and found that its instance variable is still zero even after collision). As a result the Game score becomes messy and not accurate. Can anybody help me on this? Thanks in advance.

  • Yes, it's a bit strange because my first game has no problem with the ads showing almost immediately after publishing. But my 2nd game has problem with the ad. Request is active but ads are not showing. Hmmm...

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  • I tested a Google Test Ad in my game in beta mode and it shows perfectly in the testing mode. But when I launch it in full rollout production (I already made sure the Test box is unchecked and replaced all the ad codes into my admob codes), the ad did not show. I checked back my Admob and it showed the ad has been requested. Just did not show. Why? I am not sure what went wrong. Please help

  • I am creating a carrom game only this time, instead of flicking the disc, the player fling it across the screen with his finger. To do that, the player must touch the object and by flinging his finger (in any direction), the object gets propelled or flung towards that direction. And the speed of the object depends on the strength/speed of the fling. The stronger/faster it is, the faster the object will travel. Does anyone knows how to write an Event for that?