How to create sprite outside layout when zoomed out?

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  • Player sprite can be moved by clicking on the mouse. On mouse left click, it spawns a target that directs the player sprite's angle towards it. Player sprite stops when it touches the target sprite. It works fine when the layout scale is 1:1. But as soon as I zoom out (eg. layout scale at 0.1), clicking the mouse outside the layout cause the sprite movement to look a bit jerky. I suspect the target sprite was created within the confines of the layout or screen size even though I'm clicking far off (near the edge of the screen), I'm not sure. Enlarging the layout size doesn't solve the problem.

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  • Are you spawning the target on the same layer as the Player?

    If not then when you scale the layer you will need to translate the coordinates from Layer to layer, otherways they will not match as the coordinates will be different from layer to layer.

    Or an easier solution if you dont want to translate the coordinates you can spawn the target at the same layer as the player.

    If that is not the issue then it will be better to share a minimum example so someone can have a look.

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