DUTOIT's Forum Posts

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    what is My 2 cents?

    An expression that means: My opinion. My input. My point of view etc etc etc etc.

  • My 2 cents.

    There are already enough sections.


  • Thank you guys. Like said, I don't feel limited by C2 for PC. For mobile it's a different story. For instance, this adventure project would simply not work with cocoon or ejecta as it relies heavily on the XML plugin to load the game data. If fact it's kinda lame, the reason I went with a complex dynamic scene loading rather than having each scene stored in a different layout, was to get around the memory limitations of mobile devices. Turned out I introduced a new problem with XML

    Do you need XML?

    You could save data in json and import it using ajax and load it into your flavor of Dictionary or Array.

  • OlivierC, Bravo - seriously that is seriously awesome. I immediately thought I was playing Indiana Jones (Lost Ark, Atlantis, etc)

    Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Yes, you will get all future updates for the life of Construct2.

    C3 - Construct3 would be a entirely new software and if you want to buy it, you can (but you won't find it, it doesn't exist, and won't exist for a number of years)

  • Manley23 has the right xy approach above.


    "c2array":true, is what construct2 uses to json the data into either array or dictionary. It isn't part of json, but a c2 thing

    What I did was build it in construct2 first. Used the array download to download to json. And used that json to be imported.

    Attached is capx of events used to create array, then download to json. I toggled the include CreateDatabase event sheet.

    I am using the xy, but out of habit I include z = 1

    There are 13 because arrays count 0 as 1, which is why I minus one from TotalCards to get correct display of number cards. Array.Width is 13, but we don't want card 0.

    So we 13-1=12 cards

    And random(1,13) because we don't want to include card0

    The above is only for cosmetic purposes. Showing Joke 6of12 for example.

    Now that you have how i created the database, play around make your own then import it into files and change the Ajax->Request to reflect your json file.

  • Thanks Dutoit, that tutorial is nice but it uses arrays for storing the doors states...and I dont use arrays :/

    I suggest you start using arrays or at least dictionary.

    Game have lots and lots and lots of data, and you can't store everything into variables.

    Think 100's of variables and the nightmare it becomes.

    Anyways, caiorosisca gave great explanation.

    Edit: You don't have to create new event sheet each layout. Create 1 event sheet. And include it into each layout.

  • Extremely in depth Tutorial

    Simle answer. Store in global variables or webstorage etc.

    So door1 = 0 (locked)

    player unlocks

    door1 = 1 (unlocked)

    If door1 = 1

    do something etc etc

  • rozpustelnik

    Oh, so you want to load objects (images on a per level basis?)

    Use external image files

    [quote:7wz3xlup]If your project has a lot of large detailed images which add a lot to the download size, you can make your game load quicker by adding them as project files instead. That way they won't need to be downloaded before the game starts running. You can then load them at runtime using Sprite or Tiled Background's Load image from URL actions - just enter the name of the image as the URL, e.g. "mylargeimage.jpg". You know they've loaded when the On image URL loaded trigger fires as well. This means you can request large images on the start of each layout that needs them, and show some kind of "Please wait..." message until they've loaded.

    The last part is important. Create a fake or real loading screen while images download for that level.

  • Never wanted to start anything ....still waiting for BeaverliciOUS. That would be a hell of a system!^^

    That wood be a dam fine system!^^

  • You can use C2 on a Mac if you install Bootcamp and a Windows version. Works super fine!

    would never use something different than Mac anymore....Stable as hell!

    Lol, how to start a OS war

    Mac vs Windows vs... This is preference.

    Mac hardware vs (I take anything but a mac) I can build 3 x better machine for a 3rd of the price. Agree with sargas, Mac is overpriced - period.

    But as an OS it isn't bad.

  • Love turn-based. Actually trying to implement the new multiplayer plugin into my existing turn-based game. Very exciting stuff indeed.

  • Click where you want to put break. Right click and hit toggle breakpoint. Now run in debug mode. and it will run up till that point.

  • If you are serious, and want to improve. The only way - and I mean this in all honesty is to actually use the software, to actually make things.

    Watching and doing is completely different. You cannot learn programming by watching (ask any programmer).

    You will have to spend 1000 plus hours to build a firm foundation.

    Best way is to build small things.

    What game you going to make?

    Does it need a welcome screen. Build just that.

    Does it need a options screen. Build just that.

    Does it need a character to move left, right, up, down. Do just that.

    Build your game in sections.

    Smaller sections are easier to digest, to optimize. I would do, I mean actually make the example games you find in

    Open C2. Click new. Browse down the list to all those wonderfull juicy examples. Build them. Learn their sequence, see how they did it. Don't read/look at the code. Actually open a second instance and build it switching between the too.

    Writers do this. THey write out word for word other great writers text. Thereby learning the rythme, structure of the other writer.

  • I don't have the most updated version of Construct?

    What zenox98 is saying is you posted in the construct classic (old old old open source version, the grand-daddy of construct2) he wants someone to put this in the construct 2 section

    Nice example by the way.