DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • [quote:3a9015ud]Remember to re-upload the offline.appcache file

    If you're updating even just one file of your game, you must also re-upload the exported offline.appcache file - every time! Otherwise the browser will assume nothing has changed and won't bother downloading the update. (The offline.appcache file must have changed for the browser to check for an update, and Construct 2 adds a timestamp to the top of the offline.appcache file to ensure it always changes.)

  • Nice tut on offline cache and updates etc

  • You talking for desktop game? Because html5 will auto update to what ever is on server.

    Desktop you will need to retrieve latest version on startup from external source using ajax. (e.g database)

    Compare fetched data with current version and pop up message saying update with link or something like that.

  • zenox98, rekjl,

    Lol, thanks guys.


    Webstorage only saves players score, and cannot be accessed by other players. Webstorage is not what you think it is. It is saving to players computer only.

    If you want global webstorage, you need an external database, which is going to be far beyond your current skill level. There are tuts on it using mysql (I think) but that is pretty advanced an requires actual programming knowledge.

    I don't understand your highscore1 and highscore2,

    But highscore is highscore and should be over written with new highscore.

    Highscore = 5000

    PlayerScore >= Highscore then Set Highscore = PlayerScore else Leave Highscore = Highscore.

    But like i said, global highscore cannot be stored using anything in construct, you need to use external storage options.


    Global Highscore is players wanting to beat the best score of the game.


    Player wanting to beat his current best score? which you don't need an external database. Because if you just want player competing against his best score then, webstorage will work.

    Edit 2: Added 2 files. One is highscore example. As you can see it stores highscores, but the high scores are not persistent, when you exit game, you loose highscores.

    You need to save them to webstorage to make them persistent.

    So attachment to is something I did for someone else, it is saving gold coins to webstorage.

    Your homework assignment is to make the highscores save to webstorage. Oh, I will not be checking your homework, because in life, you have to be your own teacher and student.

    Saving to external database is too advanced for you, so I am not even going into that.

  • What said.

    And there are lots and lots and lots of great positions available with small and large game companies and the salaries are competitive and in some cases rival high paying specialist jobs (accounts, lawyers, dr, software engineers, etc etc)

    THere is always money to be made... but that money flows to the best candidate for the job and requires you be the best if that makes sense. Because there are limited positions available at any given time in comparison to how many job seekers there are.

    Continue to grow, and be better each day than you were the day before and you will never have an issue.

  • I have pretty much all the game making engines and I now spend most of my development time for html5 games using construct2. I can do more, and do it more quickly using construct2.

    It has taken me a number of months to learn the software (still learning) and what took 1000's of events can now be done in 100's - that is called acquired knowledge.

    I preferred GM because I spent so much time with it, but now that veiw has changed and I favor C2 now.

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  • What tutorial you using?

    Check the process of storing the highscore. I suspect you will find the problem there.

    Also run it in debug mode and see what is being stored or isn't being stored

  • DUTOIT so? how to make it be a number? i've follow every highscore tutorial.

    You've made a mistake. It is not storing any info. Or it is storing as text. Either way, you aren't storing it correctly or calculating it correctly. Redo the tutorials, check your process.

    You ask a lot of help, you ask a lot of capx (please make me a capx to do this), but you still can't master the basics. You are a copy paste programmer, and will never learn until you actually start programming.

    Time to start learning. You made a mistake in your how you store the highstore, or calculate it, or retrieve it.

    Easter is here. Go find the easter egg

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • NaN is "Not a Number"

    I've help you lots so I think some tough love - Seriously its called search and find.

  • Luck is not about breaking through the ceiling. It is about making the correct game. We have unlimited games we can make, but only enough time to build a handful. Yes it could be educated guess, but lets be honest, no matter how much you know what people want, who can predict 100%. That is where luck comes in.

    Getting noticed is not luck, getting people to play your game is not luck. Building a great game is not luck.

    Luck is having built a game that hits the market at exactly the right time and finding a following that you had nothing to do with. Call it a runnaway success, that is what luck is - luck is the game has its own life, it choose to be made, it choose to connect with people , etc etc etc.

    Not trying to get mystic, just trying to explain that even the best guesses shoot miss. Luck has a large impact on what game to make with so many good ideas to choose from.

    Sidenote: Books are the same. If you write a book that connects with people at a level at the right time etc etc etc. You have a runnaway success. But we cannot plan, or even fathom what that connection will be or how people will react.

    I know many books that touched something in a reader, and the reader(s) themselves made it a bestseller.

    Right book at the right time - this is luck.

    Right game at the right time - this is luck


  • To not be poor at any creative job, especially indie games.. you need:

    1. Talent

    2. Marketing

    3. Luck


    Good post, very insightful. Atm I've been going full indie. If in a few years things don't work out and I have no luck, it'll be back to the 9-6 day job.

    4. Work Ethic

    5. More luck

    6. More work Ethic (Outwork the competition)

    7. Funding

    8. And More luck

  • you can. Just install r165 and use an autosave file.

    delete .backup3 or .autosave

  • I haven't looked at the code, but I can say it probably isn't isn't dictionary.

    The r166 unfortunetly has a number of bugs. My guess it is trigger once which is a known problem with r166

    I think ashley will be releasing a fix shortly.

    [quote:2paefu4m]Not allowed to be used for commercial purposes

    It doesn't get clearer than that. You are not allowed to make any money with C2 using the free version.

    If C2 is involved in any way or form, then no you can't make money.

    Ask yourself. Did I use Construct 2 free version to make this .....?......, then I can't sell it.