DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • part12studios

    Here is an example I did for you. It is bloated so that you can see what is happening. Feel free to use less objects and place data directly into desired location (removing variables) I just wanted you too see as much of the process as possible.

    Oh, It is using array not dictionary. Dictionary is easier, so thought I would do one in array so you can see. Also array allows for easier multi data usability.

    So you can have joke, punchline, category, whatever.

    Easy way to edit json file. Save as project and go to files. Open the json file in your favorite editor and see structure and edit.

    Hit button on left to generate random card data.

  • ,and gold lining

  • Tutorial

    Basically it is simple.

    In tut it is loading xml.

    Attached image is loading json into dictionary.

    Now when something happens...

    Now you can set text to dictionary.get(whatever you want to get like random(1,39) )

    Well, something along those lines.

    If I have time I will do some example, but its weekend, and I am away from pc most of it. So maybe monday. But you will probably figure it out. It isn't that complicated. Array yes, but simple dictionary or xml shouldn't be a problem.

    The manual will give you want you need. And the image is what is needed to load data into dictionary

  • +1 I only ever use spritefonts, even for desktop, html5. It looks best no matter what.

  • >

    > Quoting Our long text here



    Either way, scirra are providing a awesome server which is very hard to beat and they are currently doing it for free, and having spent some time with multiplayer plugin yesterday - I am completely blown away at its functionality, and possible future development. So a "low cost subscription" to maintain, develop, and provide is okay in my books too

    Very exciting stuff. Loads of potential - seriously, I'm salivating here. lol


    There is a difference between bootstrapping your startup game business (I take it you wish to make money from making games) and freeloading it.

    No business can make money without spending money (that includes bootstrap business). I can also say from experience, everyone has money enough to purchase C2, they just don't hold it in high enough priority over other things.

    If you are a student, get a part time job, if you have a job, you have the money... SAVE!

    I live in a country where 80% of the population want everything for free, and I love my country, but this mindset is handicapping the masses. If you want something, work for it. Then it means so much more.

    The difference between the guy that buys a $10,000 online marketing course, and the guy that pirates it. The guy that buys it makes sure he completes the course, applies it. He wants to get his 10,000 investment back. The guy that pirates it, lets it gather dust on one of a zillion full harddrives.

  • Use ajaxand import it via json.

    Then you can load the json into your flavor of choice. Array, dictionary, even a variable.

    You can even import a text file and there is a plugin by rex which does cvs file. Lots of options available.

    Couple tuts in tut section on importing data using ajax.

    I found putting data in json and loading it into dictionary worked well.

    dictionary needs "Key" and "String"

    Key has to be unique so

    "1" "joke 1 goes here"

    then you can use random to select a number and display that joke.

  • Bugger - I'm going to ask my next question here - and if that´s wrong, I'll make a new one..

    I try to put in a "wait 2.0 sec" just before the "set animation.frame to tempNumber" - to have each one get a color with a 2 sec wait between - but nothing happens - does the wait function have other requirements?

    Yeah, getting wait to work is hard.

    You are looping, so...

    Answer: -> System: wait loopindex seconds (this makes it wait 1 second)

  • Oh.. so I guess it was the:

    for each sprite *ORDER BY SPRITE.X DESCENDING*

    - that I really needed - thanx a lot, you're a lifesaver..

    Yip. And you're welcome.

  • Here you go.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Yes. But it is limited by your ability to use the tool. And your ability is only acquired by actually mastering the software.

    I have seen some super advanced/complex point&click adventure games with waterfalls, wind blowing in trees, puzzles etc.

    But it took a considerable amount of time, and skill to make.

    But no matter what engine (some engines better geared for point&click) will take time to learn, and develop.

    No matter what engine, you won't be able to make a fully fledged game on their free versions, if they have free versions. At least C2 allows you a lot of room to explore, try out. 100 events is a lot.

    Understand one thing. What you trying to do is hard. It is complex. It will take time (lots of it) and probably cost a lot for assets, tools etc.

    All the complex, worth while adventure (point&click) games I've seen took over a year to make. Most almost 2 years.

    Nice list of engines.

    Personal choice: Unity3d, Construct2, gamemaker, and in your case (ADVENTURE GAME STUDIO, VISIONAIRE ADVENTURE STUDIO, other point-click adventure engines[big list])

  • And do not worry... I have the Construct License for us!

    Hope you not planning to share a single license

    Out of interest, business or personal. Steam or scirra version.

  • Why don't you do a small test capx and uploaded it here. Not your full capx. Just a tester because Folks are busy and haven't the time to create a mock up to play around with. You might get more nibbles. This isn't a common thing that people play around with.

    I know ashley did a tutorial on this awhile back (i think).

  • Typing text.

  • Prefer Working on multiple projects.

    Trick is to set milestones else you will never finish any of them. lol

    I prefer working on many things, it mixes things up a bit and keeps one motivated.

    Construct 2 projects: Currently working on 3 long term, and 2 short term projects.

  • They can do that, but would be nice to add spice to password to stop others from brute forcing.

    password = "password"

    salt = "123nthuaoentheoau,23p3u3tn,nahpnthptn2p3tnhnth4nh3nt4h3n4h2n23m23tnmoetntneiud"

    If =/ "Password & Salt" then "sorry, password doesn't match"

    But salt needs to be protected from viewer looking at source because you can plainly view all variables in source.

    Already he can create room name and create a password so that others can join. This shoudn't be too hard to implement.

    The protected variable has many uses outside multiplayer plugin - lol. I've been requesting it for awhile.