Choose 4 random animation-frames to 4 sprites!

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From the Asset Store
Selection Frame
$1 USD
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Selection frame like in RTS games, works both on mobile and desktop devices.
  • This ought to be easy, but I've hit a wall..

    I just want each sprite to have different colors :-/

  • Here you go.

  • Oh.. so I guess it was the:

    for each sprite *ORDER BY SPRITE.X DESCENDING*

    • that I really needed - thanx a lot, you're a lifesaver..
  • Oh.. so I guess it was the:

    for each sprite *ORDER BY SPRITE.X DESCENDING*

    - that I really needed - thanx a lot, you're a lifesaver..

    Yip. And you're welcome.

  • Bugger - I'm going to ask my next question here - and if that´s wrong, I'll make a new one..

    I try to put in a "wait 2.0 sec" just before the "set animation.frame to tempNumber" - to have each one get a color with a 2 sec wait between - but nothing happens - does the wait function have other requirements?

  • Bugger - I'm going to ask my next question here - and if that´s wrong, I'll make a new one..

    I try to put in a "wait 2.0 sec" just before the "set animation.frame to tempNumber" - to have each one get a color with a 2 sec wait between - but nothing happens - does the wait function have other requirements?

    Yeah, getting wait to work is hard.

    You are looping, so...

    Answer: -> System: wait loopindex seconds (this makes it wait 1 second)

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  • Thanx - it didn't work the first few times, but I made it!

    I guess I don't quite understand the blank-sub-event structure yet..

    But your quick suggestion, helped me make it work - thanks a lot.

  • hey!

    DUTOIT just to say thanks because i was looking for something look a like.

    thanks from portugal weee

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