CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • Hello, I have an iPad Pro which is great for working on except the fact that I cannot figure out how to copy / paste in the event sheet editor. I have tried both a Bluetooth keyboard and the official apple Magic Keyboard (pricey but well made).

    When I press cmd + c / cmd + v nothing happens, control / option also doesn’t copy / paste. I’ve tried in Safari and Firefox.

    Also, if I ‘click’ hold to copy an event using touch / mouse, there’s no option to paste there either.

  • Anyone else getting this? New Project, add a sprite, the editor pops up, close the editor and crash. On Chrome and Firefox.

    Error report information

    Type: unhandled exception

    File:, line 0, col 0

    Message: ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded

    Stack: null

    Construct version: r336


    Date: Sat Apr 22 2023 08:12:44 GMT+0100 (British Summer Time)

    Uptime: 13.7 s

    Platform information

    Product: Construct 3 r336 (stable)

    Browser: Chrome 112.0.5615.138

    Browser engine: Chromium

    Context: browser

    Operating system: Windows 11

    Device type: desktop

    Device pixel ratio: 1

    Logical CPU cores: 16

    Approx. device memory: 8 GB

    User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

    Language setting: en-US

    WebGL information

    Version string: WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 Chromium)

    Numeric version: 2

    Supports NPOT textures: yes

    Supports GPU profiling: yes

    Supports highp precision: yes

    Vendor: Google Inc. (NVIDIA)

    Renderer: ANGLE (NVIDIA, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0, D3D11)

    Major performance caveat: no

    Maximum texture size: 16384

    Point size range: 1 to 1024

    Extensions: EXT_color_buffer_float, EXT_color_buffer_half_float, EXT_disjoint_timer_query_webgl2, EXT_float_blend, EXT_texture_compression_bptc, EXT_texture_compression_rgtc, EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, EXT_texture_norm16, KHR_parallel_shader_compile, OES_draw_buffers_indexed, OES_texture_float_linear, OVR_multiview2, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb, WEBGL_debug_renderer_info, WEBGL_debug_shaders, WEBGL_lose_context, WEBGL_multi_draw, WEBGL_provoking_vertex

  • Hello - I have a platformer, and a Tilemap with various different surface materials. I want to be able to play a metal footstep sound effect on a metal tile, how do I pick the specific tile to play a specific SFX?



  • Hello,

    Not sure if I'm being an idiot here but I can't find the option in recent update to open local project folder. Has this been removed?

  • Thought perhaps there might be some interest in this sort of video here - I show my sound design process for videogames using synthesisers, with a lot of footage of my upcoming game Legatus.

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  • I'm trying to determine what has happened with a project I haven't touched since December 2020, if I export the project then it works fine via NW. But if I preview it, either in browser or NW then the game crashes when interacting with objects / moving my character arround. It's a massive project file so not easy to share. I've made a video to demonstrate what's going on:

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  • This has been solved with help from Skymen :)

    1- You need to set it to framerate independant

    2- You need to divide all your forces by (dt * 60) (60 being the framerate you're testing with)

    3- When you want to apply a force on every frame, you need to do it using a every X seconds set to 1/60 (again, 60 being your target framerate)




    I've spent a very long time trying to figure this out. I have made a game using physics behaviour. It works fine in 60fps, but when switching to a high refresh rate (75,120,240 etc) the physics change dramatically making my project unplayable.

    I've set up a simple test project to try and figure out what is happening and no matter what I do, I see differences in the behaviour across the different refresh rates (mostly, at high refresh rates the forces are less energetic).

    Here are variations of logic that I have tried to create the same physics across multiple refresh rates:

    This is what the layout looks like, I am simply adding the force to the circle to jump and holding Z to sustain the jump.

    At 60hz refresh rate the circle reaches about 10 on the ruler. At 240 it barely registers as a jump. Using different variations of the logic, there's just something fundamental here I'm not getting at all.

  • I agree. Just drop the dt. Please.

    You should rely on On Trigger impulses, or every tick Forces, without dt.

    What’s wild is that’s what I’m doing, exactly that, but I’m getting differences between the two systems and also when testing with uncapped frame rate.

  • Quick update, I spent some time last night with my friend on video call working through this issue, it seemed that no matter what combination of techniques we tried we still witnessed discrepancy in physics forces between our systems.

    Things we tried:

    Always set to vsync

    Set physics objects to Framerate Independant

    Using every 1/30 seconds when controlling our gravity force

    Using *dt when controlling every tick forces

    Interestingly using the construct physics example projects we don't see this issue so I assume it must be to do with how I'm coding this, I will dig deeper and when I have figured out what I was doing wrong I'll post it here.

  • I'm sure if you'll see the same result then on different refresh rate screens.

    Ah good point maybe I'm just testing it all wrong. Thank you!

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  • My suggestions are:

    1. Try without the use of 'dt',
    2. and/or
    3. Change the World Gravity if at any point you're changing the Time Scale.

    Thanks for the suggestions! I have tried this though, think I'm fundamentally just not understanding how this works

  • Have you tried "Set stepping mode" action?

    I have yeah, here's a video showing the difference:

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    And here I've tried to adjust my impulse forces with full framerate and in vsync it is different again, with stepping mode, with every 1/30 seconds etc:

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  • Hello, I can't seem to get my head round dt in relation to physics.

    Here's a video to explain it:

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    Basically my friends high refresh rate monitor is showing completely different physics forces so I'm trying to make my game framerate independant but when attempting to do this I'm seeing big differences between vsync and full framerate in construct.

  • Here's part 2 of my game dev diary :)

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    I've now got up to more or less parity in terms of mechanics where I was in the prototype. Made a few changes and twists on some of the ideas in the prototype too.

    Thanks for watching!
