CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    I have a game I released on itch a few months ago. At the time the game ran very well. Now I notice if I play the game I get significant FPS slowdown after about 10 mins with it. This wasn't an issue before and I haven't updated the game since I released it. I see the slowdown on both my work machine and also my home machine.

    Has anyone else noticed similar things happening? I have another game Brute which I released on Steam which works well but when I made a browser version I found similar behavior where after a few mins the game would run slower and slower, as if there's a memory leak. The Steam desktop version runs fine. This is the same with Darbohra linked above.

    Is it possible that browser updates can effect the performance of a game?

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    Coming soooon! Like in a few days, will be free on

  • Is there something strange going on with NW export? I have made a very simple game, when I export it for HTML and load it up on it runs totally fine, but if I export it for desktop, trying the 32 and 64 bit versions I'm experiencing a lot of stutters and frame drops, doesn't look smooth at all. That's 0.33.3 latest chromium 69 (dude)

  • Value A: 0 to 900

    Value B: 0.5 to 1.5

    How do I match value B to value A relative to these restrictions, so when A is 0 B is 0.5, but when A is 450 B becomes 1?

  • Working on a 2D platformer, Megaman Style, using my own 16 color palette.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    You can follow all the process and step by step on my twitter

    Looks most excellent!

  • Old thread but I'm wondering how the updates have changed the idea of developing on a tablet. My surface has broke and I'm replacing it with a 2017 ipad pro, anyone using the iPad with c3?

  • My game Brute is out on Steam and

  • Ashley - How do I change default save method? If I press CTRL-S or just save it loads up the google drive window.

  • Ashley - good shout, yeah local storage works quite well. Shame about Google Drive as I pay for that ugh, maybe it's because I have to sign in every time I have a new session / go to use it.

  • I've spent a couple of hours playing with C3, I quite like the interface a lot especially on my UHD display, lovely stuff.

    One thing I'm finding really irritating though is the saving system. I connected Google Drive to C3 and expected to save via that, however - it takes FOREVER for Drive to load its information to allow me to save. So I go to press save and have to wait 3 mins before I can save it, every time.

    So I've instead been downloading a copy of it and that is fine except I'd like to get a save as dialog so I can choose save location and I hate how it adds a (n) on the end of the filename. One lunchtime session an I had test(20).

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  • Ashley - what does "MouseX - OldMouseX is dx" mean? I'm trying to set up an idle detection state

    Yep rolled back to previous version and issue is no longer there.

    I don't think it's a Surface issue

    Do we need to update Chrome perhaps? How does one do that? I thought it was automatic

    Here is a video of it in action:

    For me it happens every time, the program is unusable which is a shame as I'm excited to use it!