CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • Massive thanks to all in this forum to helped me over the past year or so while I made this game.

    Launch trailer:

    Out now on Steam and

  • Anyone else noticed the mouse cursor flashing when your right click in NWJS full screen browser?

  • Out of curiosity, how in the world did you come up with the level names??

    They're modern names for stars in the Milky Way

  • Maybe your game uses more memory than fits in a 32-bit process.

    shit that might be it got a looooot of audio files in there, thanks for the tip!

  • Did you scale a sprite with Physics attached in some way ? Using sine perhaps ?


  • Anyone else had a thing where if they run the 32bit windows exe of an exported NWJS project the game crashes?

  • I have the exact same issue, did you fix it?

  • jobel - thanks, very odd that link had changed to a different video...I've updated it anyway. Thanks for spotting that!

  • Short announcement to say that dev work on Brute has finished and I'm now trying to figure out how to release it

  • Interesting, I will list that kind of puzzle to my to do list. Meanwhile you might want to check my collapse puzzle example >>

    Thanks, getting a 404 on that capx though

  • Hi,

    I have a puzzle game idea where I rotate large tiles made up of 4 smaller tiles, if you match squares of the same colour of smaller tiles then those tiles are destroyed and any small tiles above them fall down Tetris style.

    I'm conceptually having a problem with how to start this prototype, I want to define a grid and have a way of detecting 'shapes' made up of different tiles within the grid. Any ideas where to look for this?

  • stefanos that looks lovely

  • increase - one will stop shooting if it gets out of range.

    I get what you mean but it's odd because these things ALWAYS shoot at the same time as each-other if they're in range, like precisely at the same time, I would imagine, one would get in range before the other and they'd be at an offset sync.

    Good idea about the delay though maybe I'll add a random start offset.

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  • Hello,

    I'm looking for someone to spend a day going through my Construct project to evaluate how I've put it together and to suggest improvements to the way I've done things. I'm looking for any ways I can make my code shorter, more efficient and reliable.

    The game is relatively simple, it's called Brute and here's a trailer:

    Reason for this request is for my personal learning and also because I'm considering releasing the source and all the assets used as part of the game and I want to make sure it's put together well.

    I'm willing to pay, but not sure how much, if interested could you quote me a rate?


  • Hello,

    I've a video here of some behaviour I'm trying to eliminate:

    Notice how the AI both shoots at the same time when they're allowed to. So I have a check of if the AI is within range and is activated it shoots 3 bullets at a timed rate. But I don't get why they both shoot together, I've tried putting a for each condition on the event too, a little confused by it, but I assume it's an obvious, re-occurring issue for the uninformed like myself