Voir un historique complet de toutes les nouveaux ajouts dans Construct Animate depuis la première parution.
Flowcharts: add new 'Comment' node
Flowcharts: add a color property to nodes
Flowcharts: allow selecting links individually to delete via keyboard
Flowcharts: allow editing a node's caption via double-tap or context menu
Flowcharts: show context menu to add nodes when letting go of a link over empty space
Pick nth child: parameter to allow indexing in all children or only those of given object
Show better error message if failed to open project due to invalid folder names
New 'Playable Ad (zip)' export option
'Deprecated features' dialog to help update old projects
Text/SpriteFont: new 'CJK' word wrap mode
Gamepad: support for trigger rumble effect
Gamepad: condition to check which rumble effects supported
Mouse: 'unadjusted movement' option for 'Request pointer lock'
Z order bar: add context menu options to focus the Layout View on a selection
Parameters dialog: autocomplete for tags
New example 'Custom canvas drawing'
System: 'Reset' action to reset a single variable to initial value
New examples 'Blacksmith forge', 'HTML layers'
System: 'include static' option for 'Reset global variables' action
Parameters dialog: group event variable dropdown by scope
Add check for modern JavaScript support when starting project
Hierarchies: show 'Select mode' property of root instances when there is a multi-selection
New example 'Flowcharts and containers'
Video: support for additional video codecs like H.265 and AV1
Browser: action to enable warning prompt on closing browser tab/window
Sprite: add 'template' parameter to 'Spawn' action
New example 'Sunset runner'
Templates: new 'Propagate hierarchy' and 'Ignore hierarchy propagation' properties for finer control over automatic synchronization of templates & replicas
Templates: add options to apply the hierarchy of a template to the replicas from the Properties Bar
New example 'Text-based adventure'
Animations editor: context menu options to apply image points/collision polygons to whole subfolder
New example 'Kitty katcher'
Eases: allow creating unbounded eases for use with TimelineController's 'Ease' expression
3D Camera: 'Set field of view' action; 'FieldOfView' expression
Support for exporting AVIF images as lossy format
Support for exporting WebP images in Safari
Flowcharts: support cut/copy/paste of outputs
Flowcharts: show properties for individual outputs in the Properties Bar
System condition 'Pick by highest/lowest value'
System expression 'StringSub'
Mouse: add support for button 4 and 5
Flowcharts: allow forming circular structures
Flowcharts: option to choose pathfinding to draw links between nodes
Flowcharts: option to set different colors for the links
Flowcharts: animate links when selecting nodes or outputs
Flowcharts: add context menu option to go to the corresponding flowchart from a referenece node
New example 'Robotic loader animation'
Sprite: actions to add/remove animations/frames
New example 'Layout transition'
Flowcharts: new 'Flowchart reference' node to link different flowcharts together
Tween behaviour: 'Is ping-pong' condition
New example 'Simple synth'
Tween behaviour: 'PlaybackRate' expression
Platform Info: expressions 'FramesPerSecond' and 'TicksPerSecond'