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New Instance Bar; instance tags; gamepad updates & more
02 July, 2024 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct Animate
It's the start of a new release cycle of Construct, and we have some big new features for you! The new Instance Bar is a new part of the user interface that allows viewing instances and hierarchies in the project with a dedicated tree view. This makes it easier to review information and do things like drag-and-drop to rearrange hierarchies. It also has different modes to help view things like template information, timelines, plugins and more. You can show it by selecting Menu - View - Bars - Instances Bar.
Other new features include instance tags - a built-in way to assign multiple tags to individual instances. This can be a more useful way to identify instances than the UID, and also provides a way for the editor user interface to more helpfully identify instances.
As ever there's a range of other changes, improvements, and bug fixes. Happy testing!
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Nouvelles fonctionnalités
New 'Tags' instance property (plus relevant event and scripting features)
Nouveaux ajouts
Gamepad: support for trigger rumble effect
Gamepad: condition to check which rumble effects supported
Mouse: 'unadjusted movement' option for 'Request pointer lock'
Z order bar: add context menu options to focus the Layout View on a selection
Firefox: enable support for using system clipboard for cut/copy/paste
Z Order: use icons instead of text to refer to the different states of a layer
Z order bar: 'Flash' context menu option now works on a selection of instances
Corrections de bug
Tilemap bar: applying transformations to a selection producing unexpected results (regression r391)
Tilemap bar: collision polygons misplaced after resizing the source image
Ease editor: 'Invert ease' icon not showing properly
Timeline bar: some instances not showing an icon in the 'Pick instances' dialog
Playable Ad export: incorrectly showed 'software update needed' message
Scripting updates
Add IObjectClass.getPairedInstance()
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