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Flowcharts additions; new example
15 October, 2024 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct Animate
This week many changes were made specific to Construct 3, but Construct Animate gets some more improvements for the Flowcharts feature, and a bug fix for a regression in r410. We've also included a new example showing how you can use WebGPU compute shaders in Construct, which provides a way to offload heavy general-purpose processing on to the GPU, and is potentially a useful way to do compute-heavy visualizations. Happy testing!
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Exécuter r411
Nouveaux ajouts
Flowcharts: add an empty default flowchart to new projects
New example 'WebGPU compute'
Flowcharts: add text formatting options to comment nodes
Flowcharts: show special message on empty flowcharts, similar to empty event sheets
Corrections de bug
Hierarchies: runtime crash creating instances with hierarchies (regression r410)
Partager Construct Animate la parution r411 maintenant