Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
Folder project and Flowcharts improvements; better scripting performance; bug fixes
29 October, 2024 ()
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This week's release has improvements in all sorts of areas! First of all folder projects can now use 'Auto reload all on preview' for other types of folders - previously it was only available for scripts, but now you can use it for other kinds of file-based folders. There are also several Flowcharts improvements including support for multiple tags and the ability to use 'Preset' nodes as a kind of template to easily create similar nodes.
We've also boosted performance of scripting by optimizing the way Construct's script interfaces work. Previously calling Construct API methods, such as IWorldInstance properties and methods, generally involved a small lookup internally. This was very fast, but the overhead could add up. Now using the latest JavaScript features this lookup is completely avoided, which makes all accesses of Construct's script interfaces faster. Performance benchmarks making heavy use of Construct APIs should show measurable benefits.
We're now going to focus on moving towards a stable release, and so focus only on bug fixes and reliability improvements for the next few weeks. Happy testing!
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Nouveaux ajouts
Project Bar: 'Auto reload all on preview' option for sounds, music, videos, fonts, icons & screenshots and files folders
Flowcharts: save 'Preset' nodes to be used as a base to create other nodes
Flowcharts: context menu option and keyboard shortcut (Ctrl/Meta + A) to select all nodes
Flowcharts: add condition 'Compare node tag count' and expression 'NodeTagCount'
Flowcharts: support using multiple space-separated tags
Disable automatic browser translation of editor (server-side change)
Corrections de bug
HTML layers: ensure HTML content respects layer interactive state and opacity
HTML elements: try to preserve element state like scroll position when Z order changes
'Wait for previous actions to complete' no longer waits for async actions run in previously called non-async functions
Flowcharts: pressing 'Shift + Click' on a selected element removes it from the current selection
Tilemaps: possible crash loading some tilemaps
Flowcharts: 'path find' links blocking pointer events in areas where other elements should be interacted with
Instances bar: instance items from global layers not shown after the parent layout item is no longer visible
Instances bar: save and restore vertical scroll of the bar
Amélioration des performances
Improve performance of script interfaces
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