Voir un historique complet de toutes les corrections de bug dans Construct Animate depuis la première parution.
Animations editor: crash loading frames from a strip using 'Replace entire animation'
Ease editor: possible crash when UI animations disabled
HTML elements still appeared on invisible layers (regression r413)
Further improve handling of 'Wait for previous actions to complete' after function calls
Properties Bar: incorrectly showed 'Purpose' property for array/dictionary JSON files
Light & dark themes: fix several styling issues
Main menu: crash right clicking on the menu items to open and close bars
Hierarchies: adding a child to a parent with an angle different to 0 produced unexpected results when later trying to change the size of the parent
HTML layers: ensure HTML content respects layer interactive state and opacity
HTML elements: try to preserve element state like scroll position when Z order changes
'Wait for previous actions to complete' no longer waits for async actions run in previously called non-async functions
Flowcharts: pressing 'Shift + Click' on a selected element removes it from the current selection
Tilemaps: possible crash loading some tilemaps
Flowcharts: 'path find' links blocking pointer events in areas where other elements should be interacted with
Instances bar: instance items from global layers not shown after the parent layout item is no longer visible
Instances bar: save and restore vertical scroll of the bar
Bookmarks bar: possible crash double-tapping on a bookmark
Hierarchies: runtime crash creating instances with hierarchies (regression r410)
Instances bar: focus newly created folders
Instances bar: scrolling messing up the order of instances in some cases
Instances bar: undoing and redoing changes not restoring all state properly which lead to crashes
Instances bar: crash closing the bar
Instances bar: crash changing the name of a global layer
Instances bar: don't allow dragging child instances of a hierarchy into Layout items in the tree
Instances bar: crash after renaming a layer to be global
Flowcharts: crash copying and pasting flowcharts in the Project bar
Hierarchies: runtime crash destroying certain hierarchy setups
Layout View: possible for UI state to load improperly
Timelines: UI locking up trying to preview nested timelines (regression r400)
Timelines: crash duplicating a timeline (regression r401)
Timeline Controller: possible crash if 'Set Instance' action used incorrectly
Instances bar: crash closing the bar through the main menu
Instances bar: keep zoom when scrolling into view a single instance
Tiled Background: loading image from URL ignored wrap mode
Text: horizontal alignment could sometimes result in blurry text
Project bar: some layout properties not copied over after pasting
Animations editor: image points could change position unexpectedly
Ease editor: crash changing the segment type
Hierarchies: runtime crash loading hierarchies from JSON when some of the instances have the "No Save" behaviour (regression r391)
Instance bar: bar not updating properly after making hierarchy changes
Instance bar: expand/collapse context menu options not behaving as expected
Instance bar: making the bar pane small enough preventing pointer interactions
Instance bar: selection lost when scrolling and highlighting search results
Instance bar: clearing the search box not always restoring the state of the bar
Runtime did not start on old iOS versions (regression r399)
Tilemaps: incorrect recalculation of indexes when the source image of a tilemap changes size (regression r398)
Export statistics incorrectly reported script size when not minified
Possible incorrect images displayed when mixing lossless and lossy images
Playable ad (single file): Physics behavior not working (regression r400)
Properties Bar: using system expressions in calculations not working (regression)
UglifyJS minifier: error if require() referenced in unused code
UglifyJS minifier: dynamic imports not working
UglifyJS minifier: work around UglifyJS bug that could break JavaScript code
Objects could appear invisible after changing layout quickly
Audio: did not always update 'Is playing' state immediately after 'Stop' action
Tweens: fix subtle errors tweening opacity with eases that go outside the 0-1 range
Templates: replica instance plugin properties changing unexpectedly
View Spritesheets dialog: did not use correct styling in dark theme
Text: automatic resolution did not always correctly take in to account 3D Camera/Z elevation
Clicking account button twice did not dismiss menu
Flowcharts: possible crash attempting to edit the caption in a node
Timelines: possible crash after swapping instances
Timelines: 'Set Instance' action not correctly handling picking specific instances of the same object type
Animations editor: cut, copy and paste not working as expected in Firefox
Hierarchies: possible crash involving global layers
Hierarchies: hierarchies using the Physics behaviour could fail to load from JSON
Hierarchies: some hierarchies could fail to load from JSON leading into runtime crashes
Exports not working (regression r402)
Instances Bar: crash creating folders (regression r400)
Instances Bar: unexpected positioning of items and sub folders when scrolling (regression r400)
Instances Bar: crash undoing changes after the bar is closed
Instances Bar: pasting instances not updating the tree properly
Flowcharts: runtime crash trying to restore the state of an active flowchart
Flowcharts: keep multi-selection of nodes when clicking on a node which is already in the selection
Flowcharts: some properties not being copied when cloning nodes
Debugger: F10 keyboard shortcut to step was not working
Projects incorrectly saved imported images with ".png" file extension even if they were different type (e.g. JPEG)
'Is overlapping' did not always work between instances on layers with different transforms
Text did not render correctly if viewed from beneath in 3D
Web fonts not displaying in single-file playable ads (regression r400)