Voir un historique complet de toutes les corrections de bug dans Construct Animate depuis la première parution.
Possible crash updating scripts from external source (regression r427)
Recent projects not updating (regression r426)
Hierarchies: fix unexpected results when loading complex hierarchies from JSON
Adjust HSL effect hue description referred to incorrect range
Correctly specify framerate encoding option for H.264
Crash opening some projects with message "expected content" (regression r426)
Expressions dictionary: did not correctly list expressions for multiple behaviors of the same type
Animations editor: image points behaving in unexpected ways after loading an image from a file
Instances bar: jittery scrolling in the dark and light themes
Flowcharts: flowchart view scroll not being restored properly after loading a project
Flowcharts: crash undoing flowchart changes when the corresponding flowchart doesn't have focus
Ensure any background work is complete before attempting to launch preview
Ensure progress dialog is closed even in the event of failing to start a preview
Animations editor: in some cases keyboard input could stop working after importing frames (regression r420)
Tilemaps: patch brush not ignoring invalid indices at runtime
Tilemap brush editor: crash removing tiles from a patch brush
Tilemap brush editor: crash opening the editor when UI animations are turned off
Animations editor: palettes not displayed properly
Animations editor: crash trying to delete entries from the color palette picker dialog
Animations editor: avoid showing object types with no color palettes in the picker dialog
Animations editor: sprite sheet importer context menu options to add frames and animations not working properly
Instances bar: force items in the to occupy a single line at all times
Effects: crash changing 'Enable' property of layouts/layers (regression r425)
Templates: crash setting 'Template' property of an instance (regression r425)
Hierarchies: fix issue loading hierarchies from JSON
Drawing Canvas: 'Paste object' with effects not displaying correctly in fixed resolution mode
Drawing Canvas: 'Paste object' with a Text object with effects appeared misaligned
Drawing Canvas: 'Paste object' could have slight pixel misalignment in some cases
Drawing Canvas: surface device size could sometimes be 1px larger than necessary
Layout View: dragging instance from Project Bar with no template set did not always match runtime default instance
Parameters dialog: CJK IME could sometimes duplicate the first character
Parameters dialog: CJK IME did not always trigger autocomplete
Deprecated features dialog displayed incorrectly and could not be closed on mobile
Tweens: tween paused during an 'On Ping Pong' trigger could not be resumed
Tweens: loading from JSON breaking tweens in some cases
Move To: moving along a curved path not working in some conditions
Timeline Controller: Time expression returning imprecise values when used on triggers
Timeline bar: play head marker unexpectedly moving to the beginning of the timeline
Templates: changing template properties not updating effects on the Layout View
Animations editor: palette swatch size setting not working correctly
Animations editor: replacing all animation after importing frames incorrectly updating related Sprite instances size (regression r417)
Instances bar: scrolling not working properly if the bar is made to be narrow
Animations editor: in some cases keyboard input could stop working after importing frames (regression r420)
Animations editor: palette swatch size setting not working correctly
Animations editor: replacing all animations after importing frames incorrectly updating Sprite sizes (regression r417)
Animations editor: palettes not displayed properly
Animations editor: crash trying to delete entries from the color palette picker dialog
Animations editor: avoid showing object types with no color palettes in the picker dialog
Animations editor: sprite sheet importer context menu options to add frames and animations not working properly
Instances bar: force items in the to occupy a single line at all times
Deprecated features dialog displayed incorrectly and could not be closed on mobile
Ensure progress dialog is closed even in the event of failing to start a preview
Properties Bar could stop resizing properly after opening Animations Editor
Guided tour 'Get started with JavaScript' showed deprecation warning
Audio: improve error handling if audio unloaded while still loading
Animations editor: project file image format changing after loading an image (regression r409)
Show better error message if opening pre-r389 project with invalid animation name
MIDI: treat note on with velocity 0 as note off
Deprecated features dialog: could possibly show even after 'Don't show again' in some circumstances
Runtime error if using expression of the form Object("string").Expression (which is not currently supported)
Animations editor: sprite sheet importer not showing grid properly
Animations editor: improve rendering in the sprite sheet importer on high-dpi displays
Animations editor: possible crash opening the editor to edit individual tiles (regression r417)
Move To: 'Set Angle' not working properly when following a curve
Tilemap bar: set tiles which become out of bounds as empty after changing the size of the source image
Flowcharts: duplicating a flowchart not copying the start node which led to an inconsistent state
Tilemap brush editor: show keyboard shortcuts in the tooltips of the toolbar buttons
Crash opening new sprite sheet import dialog
Layout View: align edges/space did not handle hierarchies
Layout View: could not drag selection after Tab+Click
Layout View: selecting multiple instances with Ctrl/Shift did not apply container/hierarchy select mode
Layout View: context menu for tilemaps could sometimes have double separator
Event Sheet View: ensure icon sizes scale with the text size
Animations editor: crash opening in the editor in mobile layout (regression r417)
Animations editor: match toolbar dropdowns and spinner height
Animations editor: crash saving the current image (regression r417)
Project bar: crash cloning object types (regression r417)
macOS WKWebView: video playback not working correctly
Start page: work around Safari 18 bug that broke the 'Open' dropdown
Instances bar: not possible to move folders next to each other with drag & drop
Instances bar: tree not updating properly when UI animations are turned off
macOS WKWebView: fix not reporting some startup errors
Animations editor: only show the resize dialog once when importing multiple animations using SVG files
Animations editor: possible incorrect Sprite size after deleting or sorting frames in the Animations editor
Flowcharts: crash showing the context menu for a node (regression r413)
Debugger: did not show instance tags
Layout view: inserting objects could work differently while Project Bar search active
Event sheet view: incorrectly allowed pasting function call actions when the called function returns a value
Fix editor dialogs being difficult to close with X button in iOS 18+
Flowcharts: crash showing the context menu for a node (regression r413)
Fix editor dialogs being difficult to close with X button in iOS 18+
Start page: work around Safari 18 bug that broke the 'Open' dropdown