Voir un historique complet de toutes les corrections de bug dans Construct Animate depuis la première parution.
Timeline bar: keep selection of keyframes after dragging them
Animations editor: frames not always pasted in the expected order
Start Page: long project names could overflow recent projects list
Playable Ads export not working with minify mode 'None' (regression r295)
Possible incorrect state after using 'Wait' action
Effects could render incorrectly with a 3D camera in some circumstances
Global layers: lock selection not working as expected
Animations editor: avoid clearing selection of frames when clicking on scrollbars
Timeline bar: crash deleting the main property track of an audio track
Timeline bar: crash adding value or audio tracks (regression r299)
Timeline bar: audio tracks not previewing (regression r299)
Timeline bar: choppy playhead scrolling with timelines using only value or audio tracks
Timeline bar: expand icons not visible in the dark theme
Timeline bar: crash placing an audio track in a folder and then undoing that change
Timeline bar: unexpected behaviour when changing the scale using Ctrl/Cmd + mouse wheel
Timeline bar: nested timelines producing layouts with unnecessary height
Project Bar: possible crash copy-pasting script files
Project Bar: possible crash adding script if name "main.js" already used
Event Sheet View: add missing 'Toggle breakpoint' context menu option for block scripts
Browser: new window size was not yet set when triggering 'On resized'
Timeline bar: prevent timelines from getting in inconsistent states (regression r298)
Timeline bar: the time marks were not displayed correctly at zoom levels lower than 100%
Timeline bar: particles not triggering live preview when playing a timeline in the editor
Timeline bar: time marker tabs sometimes visible when they shouldn't be
Timeline bar: make sure the pointer is always on top of a time marker while it is being dragged
Timeline bar: make sure the pointer icon doesn't flicker while dragging a time marker
Timeline bar: buttons to jump through keyframes not previewing the timeline (regression r297)
Timeline bar: crash undoing creation of keyframes if they are highlighted
Timeline bar: move property keyframes when dragging instead of copying them
Timeline bar: always update timeline preview after undoing
Possible crash resizing panes with very small window size
Crash loading savegame using NaN or Infinity in effect parameters
JSON: could sometimes work incorrectly after a 'For each' loop
Event Sheet View: possible crash adding then immediately moving function parameter
Event Sheet View: could incorrectly allow duplicate local variable names in some drag/drop cases
Event Sheet View: could incorrectly hide 'Add action' row after a failed drag/drop
Layout View: rotating wrapped selections with shift held down not working correctly
Templates: 'TemplateName' expression was not returning the expected value for replicas created in the editor
Timeline bar: make it easier to select a keyframe when a time marker is on top of it
Timeline bar: allow dragging bezier curve anchor points which are overlapping the selection box of an instance
Timeline bar: dragging keyframes creating new keyframes with unexpected values (regression r296)
Timeline bar: undoing property keyframe changes producing unexpected results (regression r285.2)
Timeline bar: crash having a X or Y position property keyframe alone (regression r295)
Possible crash when hierarchy parent has zero size
Data editor: incorrect background color shown when resizing rows and columns in the default dark theme
Crash displaying any object that did not support effects (regression r296)
Properties bar: crash setting Z elevation (regression r296)
Possible crash selecting object with no instances in Project Bar (regression r296)
Loading a project before the login finished could change the 'Loader style' project property
Fix guided tour menu highlight color for dark theme
Spinners not shown in number fields in light/dark themes
Revert non-translatable parts of light/dark themes
Editor: could drag windows/dialogs/tabs by the close button
Templates: ensure it is not possible to set templates with duplicate names in the same object type
Tweens: possible crash changing layouts while tweens are still active
Possible crash using Live Preview in some cases (regression r295)
Timelines: crash editing the position of an instance in a timeline (regression r295)
Timelines: possible crash after copying and pasting color keyframes
Timelines: color keyframes not always previewed properly in the editor