Voir un historique complet de toutes les corrections de bug dans Construct Animate depuis la première parution.

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Crash displaying any object that did not support effects (regression r296)
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Properties bar: crash setting Z elevation (regression r296)
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Possible crash selecting object with no instances in Project Bar (regression r296)
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Loading a project before the login finished could change the 'Loader style' project property
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Fix guided tour menu highlight color for dark theme
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Spinners not shown in number fields in light/dark themes
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Revert non-translatable parts of light/dark themes
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Editor: could drag windows/dialogs/tabs by the close button
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Templates: ensure it is not possible to set templates with duplicate names in the same object type
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Tweens: possible crash changing layouts while tweens are still active
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Possible crash using Live Preview in some cases (regression r295)
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Timelines: crash editing the position of an instance in a timeline (regression r295)
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Timelines: possible crash after copying and pasting color keyframes
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Timelines: color keyframes not always previewed properly in the editor