Voir un historique complet de toutes les corrections de bug dans Construct Animate depuis la première parution.

0 favoris
Hierarchies: runtime crash creating instances with hierarchies (regression r410)
0 favoris
Instances bar: focus newly created folders
0 favoris
Instances bar: scrolling messing up the order of instances in some cases
0 favoris
Instances bar: undoing and redoing changes not restoring all state properly which lead to crashes
0 favoris
Instances bar: crash closing the bar
0 favoris
Instances bar: crash changing the name of a global layer
0 favoris
Instances bar: don't allow dragging child instances of a hierarchy into Layout items in the tree
0 favoris
Instances bar: crash after renaming a layer to be global
0 favoris
Flowcharts: crash copying and pasting flowcharts in the Project bar
0 favoris
Hierarchies: runtime crash destroying certain hierarchy setups
0 favoris
Layout View: possible for UI state to load improperly
0 favoris
Timelines: UI locking up trying to preview nested timelines (regression r400)
0 favoris
Timelines: crash duplicating a timeline (regression r401)
0 favoris
Timeline Controller: possible crash if 'Set Instance' action used incorrectly
0 favoris
Instances bar: crash closing the bar through the main menu
0 favoris
Instances bar: keep zoom when scrolling into view a single instance
0 favoris
Tiled Background: loading image from URL ignored wrap mode
0 favoris
Text: horizontal alignment could sometimes result in blurry text
0 favoris
Project bar: some layout properties not copied over after pasting
0 favoris
Animations editor: image points could change position unexpectedly
0 favoris
Ease editor: crash changing the segment type
0 favoris
Hierarchies: runtime crash loading hierarchies from JSON when some of the instances have the "No Save" behaviour (regression r391)
0 favoris
Instance bar: bar not updating properly after making hierarchy changes
0 favoris
Instance bar: expand/collapse context menu options not behaving as expected
0 favoris
Instance bar: making the bar pane small enough preventing pointer interactions
0 favoris
Instance bar: selection lost when scrolling and highlighting search results
0 favoris
Instance bar: clearing the search box not always restoring the state of the bar
0 favoris
Runtime did not start on old iOS versions (regression r399)
0 favoris
Tilemaps: incorrect recalculation of indexes when the source image of a tilemap changes size (regression r398)
0 favoris
Export statistics incorrectly reported script size when not minified
0 favoris
Possible incorrect images displayed when mixing lossless and lossy images
0 favoris
Playable ad (single file): Physics behavior not working (regression r400)
0 favoris
Properties Bar: using system expressions in calculations not working (regression)
0 favoris
UglifyJS minifier: error if require() referenced in unused code
0 favoris
UglifyJS minifier: dynamic imports not working
0 favoris
UglifyJS minifier: work around UglifyJS bug that could break JavaScript code
0 favoris
Objects could appear invisible after changing layout quickly
0 favoris
Audio: did not always update 'Is playing' state immediately after 'Stop' action
0 favoris
Tweens: fix subtle errors tweening opacity with eases that go outside the 0-1 range
0 favoris
Templates: replica instance plugin properties changing unexpectedly
0 favoris
View Spritesheets dialog: did not use correct styling in dark theme
0 favoris
Text: automatic resolution did not always correctly take in to account 3D Camera/Z elevation
0 favoris
Clicking account button twice did not dismiss menu
0 favoris
Flowcharts: possible crash attempting to edit the caption in a node
0 favoris
Timelines: possible crash after swapping instances
0 favoris
Timelines: 'Set Instance' action not correctly handling picking specific instances of the same object type
0 favoris
Animations editor: cut, copy and paste not working as expected in Firefox
0 favoris
Hierarchies: possible crash involving global layers
0 favoris
Hierarchies: hierarchies using the Physics behaviour could fail to load from JSON
0 favoris
Hierarchies: some hierarchies could fail to load from JSON leading into runtime crashes
0 favoris
Exports not working (regression r402)
1 favoris
Instances Bar: crash creating folders (regression r400)
1 favoris
Instances Bar: unexpected positioning of items and sub folders when scrolling (regression r400)
1 favoris
Instances Bar: crash undoing changes after the bar is closed
1 favoris
Instances Bar: pasting instances not updating the tree properly
0 favoris
Flowcharts: runtime crash trying to restore the state of an active flowchart
0 favoris
Flowcharts: keep multi-selection of nodes when clicking on a node which is already in the selection
0 favoris
Flowcharts: some properties not being copied when cloning nodes
0 favoris
Debugger: F10 keyboard shortcut to step was not working
0 favoris
Projects incorrectly saved imported images with ".png" file extension even if they were different type (e.g. JPEG)
0 favoris
'Is overlapping' did not always work between instances on layers with different transforms
1 favoris
Text did not render correctly if viewed from beneath in 3D
0 favoris
Web fonts not displaying in single-file playable ads (regression r400)
0 favoris
Improve ability to load projects with invalid names without showing error message
0 favoris
Event sheet view: possible crash reordering function parameters
0 favoris
'Debug layout' did not always work when multiple projects open
0 favoris
Text: Z elevated text objects did not always render correctly with 3D Camera
0 favoris
Work around Safari bug that prevented changing volume of music tracks
0 favoris
Runtime error using incomplete container on loader layout
0 favoris
Export stats showed wrong unminified script size (regression r400)
0 favoris
Physics: possible crash using 'Set friction' in 'On created'
0 favoris
Instance Bar: add missing context menu option to add a sub folder when right clicking on an instance
0 favoris
Instance Bar: crash using hierarchy options when the bar is closed
0 favoris
Tilemap Bar: incorrect tiles could show up when using the mirror and flip tools (regression r399)
0 favoris
Tilemap Bar: map indices incorrectly transformed after making changes to source image (regression r399)
0 favoris
Event Sheet View: copy bookmarks into new events after pasting
0 favoris
Z Order Bar: sometimes could show unexpected subset of instances
0 favoris
Z Order Bar: show plugin icon for instances that don't have a unique image
0 favoris
Animations editor: editor not opening the animation and frame shown in Layout View (regression r389)
0 favoris
'Create object' action producing unexpected results when using both hierarchy and template parameters
0 favoris
Flowcharts: runtime crash starting a flowchart with no nodes
0 favoris
Timelines: pausing a timeline in the same tick it is played not handled properly
0 favoris
Debugger: possible crash calling invalid mapped function
0 favoris
Keyboard: logged console error when autocompleting datalist element
1 favoris
Crashes using Instance Bar