Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

New minifier; new additions, optimizations & bug fixes

20 August, 2024 ()

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After a week off we're back to our regular schedule, and we have another packed beta release for you this week! First up is we've added support for UglifyJS as an alternative JavaScript minification tool. Minifying script was always previously done with Google's Closure Compiler, which has served us well for many years, but is no longer well maintained and is holding back the ability to use modern JavaScript features. UglifyJS looks like the better option these days, and our aim is to ultimately remove support for Closure Compiler. So please give the new UglifyJS minify option a try and let us know if you run in to any problems with it.

Other new additions include the ability to set a destination layer with the Recreate initial objects action, which allows for making better use of dynamic layers - for example you can use it to fill a newly added layer with the content placed on a layer on a different layout. The Text object now has a resolution mode setting, which is similar to the same thing with Drawing Canvas: by default it uses automatic resolution scaling, but it can now be set to a fixed resolution, which can be more suitable in 3D and help avoid performance degradation when continually scaling lots of text. After some discussion on the forum, the Audio object has also gained a new NormalizedVolume expression, which is suitable for converting a volume slider labelled 0-100 into a correspinding dB value.

Another significant improvement is that lossy images can now be spritesheeted. Previously all lossy images were exported separately, as it was originally designed for large opaque background images in JPEG format (which does not support transparency). Modern lossy formats like WebP and AVIF have full support for transparency and surprisingly good quality, so this provides a new option for significantly reducing your project's download size: you can set everything to lossy compression, export with a format like AVIF, and get a much smaller download size while still having full support for spitesheets and transparency. This is quite an interesting and novel development, so we plan to blog about it in more detail in future.

Finally as ever there's a batch of bug fixes, and some other performance optimizations. Happy testing!

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Changelog iconNouveaux ajouts

Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 1 favoris
Support for minifying with UglifyJS
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 0 favoris
Text: 'Set resolution mode' action
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 0 favoris
System 'Recreate initial objects' action: add 'destination layer' parameter
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 1 favoris
Audio: NormalizedVolume expression
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 0 favoris
Animations editor: add 'Cancel' button to Image Format dialog
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 0 favoris
Animations editor: display lossy quality level in status bar

Changelog iconChangements

Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 0 favoris
View Spritesheets dialog: redesigned appearance with zoom tool and more details

Changelog iconCorrections de bug

Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 0 favoris
View Spritesheets dialog: did not use correct styling in dark theme
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 0 favoris
Text: automatic resolution did not always correctly take in to account 3D Camera/Z elevation
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 0 favoris
Clicking account button twice did not dismiss menu
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 0 favoris
Flowcharts: possible crash attempting to edit the caption in a node
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 0 favoris
Timelines: possible crash after swapping instances
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 0 favoris
Timelines: 'Set Instance' action not correctly handling picking specific instances of the same object type
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 0 favoris
Animations editor: cut, copy and paste not working as expected in Firefox
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 0 favoris
Hierarchies: possible crash involving global layers
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 0 favoris
Hierarchies: hierarchies using the Physics behaviour could fail to load from JSON
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 0 favoris
Hierarchies: some hierarchies could fail to load from JSON leading into runtime crashes

Changelog iconAmélioration des performances

Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 0 favoris
Support for spritesheeting lossy images
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 0 favoris
Improve AVIF compression when 'Optimize images' enabled
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 0 favoris
Hierarchies: improve performance moving and resizing instances in complex hierarchies
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 1 favoris
Tweens: improve performance of several conditions

Changelog iconScripting updates

Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 0 favoris
Add ITextInstance setFixedResolutionMode(), setAutoResolutionMode()

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