tomhaiger's Recent Forum Activity

  • What's the difference between Crosswalk version 'Beta' & 'Stable' on Intel XDK?

    From what I can gather, Crosswalk 7 is stable and Crosswalk 8 is beta but is there any difference in performance or anything when choosing one or the other?


  • rayray Yeah I'm curious about this too. My ads take a few seconds to appear as well, it's really frustrating. I'm using r182 and would like some help on this. Has anyone else had this issue?

  • Anyone?

  • Thanks for the replies, i've tried the power of 2 for my background but my background sizes are a bit awkward, as i have 4 different sprites for my background working as a parallex. Each one of these has a width of 960 but different heights (my game layout is 960,540). This could seem a little confusing so rather than attempt to try explain, i'll just post a capx.

    With this capx, i've stripped my game down completely. I've changed the sprites from my game to random ones i've found on the net. This is more or less my game but i've taken some things out, but the main parts such as platform movement etc are there. I've actually left the sizes of the sprites so that its as similar as my actual capx as it can get.

    Would be grateful for any help.

  • I can't as i mentioned in the first post that the file is too big for me to post it here. I can send it via email if thats OK?

  • EyezWidee , matrixreal . Thanks for the replies, I'll take what you've said on board.

    I've read the manuals and tried to incorporate those tips into my game, to be honest most of the things you've guys suggested i have done so (i think). I do however have some images bigger than 512x512 for my background, i've tried using a smaller image size but it doesn't come out right so i left those.

    I'm thinking it may be something with my event sheets which could be improved which is why i've asked for help. If you guys are willing to take a look at my capx and see if there are any issues, then that would be great.

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  • Just joined Skype, probably be easier that way. Have no idea it works yet

    I've sent you a contact request and i'll send the file soon.

    Thanks again.

  • Cheers mate, appreciate it. What I've done with my capx is change the sprites with ones from the internet rather than coloured shapes just for this as I wanted it as similar to my actual capx as possible with regards to character animation, just in case there's something with that that needs improving.

    I don't have Skype though and have no idea if I can still send to your Skype somehow. Do you mind if I send it via email if you don't mind providing your email address?

  • I've got some lagging issues with my autorunner game when I'm testing on my phone. I've used both Ludei and Crosswalk and I get issues with both. The game is still playable but the lag is an issue as it's noticeable.

    I was hoping someone would be willing to take a look at the events in my capx and help me with this lag issue. I'm still learning so I would be grateful if someone more experienced could tell me where I'm going wrong or what I can improve.

    I can't post my capx here as the capx file is too big and I don't think I can PM as my reputation needs to be 500, but I could email it if anyone is willing.

    I'm nearly done with my game so it's annoying I've got this problem

    I know it may be a bit much to ask but hope someone can help.

  • [quote:3kanfzqj]on your line 14, try:

    Set X to Self.X+Player.Platform.MaxSpeed/fps*dt

    This didn't work for me, nothing changed.

    [quote:3kanfzqj]Suggestion for line3:

    click Line3 then press B button, then put in:

    Code: Select all

    Condition: Player X not equal 105

    Action: Set Player.X to lerp(player.x,105,0.5)

    This will restore player to x=105 while on floor.

    This does work, although the player still jitters when falling, but i guess i'll have to live with it

    One issue though.... Remember in the 1st post where i mentioned the glitch about falling/running through the platforms? I get that problem when i test my game out on the phone via CocoonJS Launcher.

    This issue doesn't happen that often on the PC, but i have seen it do it a couple of times on Chrome but when testing on CocoonJS Launcher, it happens often enough.

    So now i have that problem to deal with, any help with this?

  • At least we can agree that the issue is there.

    I've tried modifying that line but no luck but i'm still a beginner so thats not saying much Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this?

  • Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

    i7 860 2.80GHZ

    8GB DDR3 RAM

    I tested it on Google Chrome

    I doubt its my PC performance and also the same thing happens when i test it on CocoonJS Launcher.

    Just to make sure, the first gif is from the 2nd capx i posted. Both capx i posted have the same name i think (sorry) so it could be a little confusing if you downloaded both. I quite odd that i have this issue but you haven't.

    I've uploaded the capx again, so please try this and see.

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