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  • Sorry to bump this but can anyone help? Can this be classed as a bug if it can't be fixed?

  • Anyone? I'm really stumped by this as i don't know why this is happening...

  • OK great, thanks.

  • I've added the following event to my game over screen

    Touch - On touch (retry sprite) - CocoonJS Show Full screen Ad

    Touch - Has Touch 5

    Would this work how i want it to? Showing a full screen ad every five retrys (clicks)?

  • Because as i mentioned, i had a problem where my player moves to the left when they run off the platform. By setting the position, as i've done, it seem to solve that issue but now i have the glitch.

    You can try my capx and delete line 16 and you'll notice that my player moves to the left when running off the platform...

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  • OK great, thanks.

    I was wondering, is it possible for me to show ads on every 5th click? By this i mean i want to add a full screen ad to appear after every 5th time the player clicks the retry button after dying.

    Is this possible to do?

  • Ive come across an odd glitch in my game where my player goes through platforms for some reason.

    I had an issue with my autorunner where my player kept moving to the left when running off a platform, i managed to solve this by setting my players X position when they are falling (line 16). But after doing this, my player starts to go through platforms and i have no idea why.

    When i delete the event i created, the glitch doesn't happen, it works as it should. I don't know why it's doing this and would appriciate help on fixing this issue.

  • Ok, so is what i've done so far correct?

    I'm currently in the process of applying for a premium account and I've found the following tutorial which will help me out.

    https: //www.scirra. com/tutorials/1024/mopub-integrate-admob-in-your-cocoonjs-games (remove spaces)

  • Thanks, this works. Only thing is that for some reason, when i'm running the layout, the first playthrough in that session my player starts further foward than usual. Once the player dies and retry, it goes back to normal. It only happens with the first playthrough, each time i start run layout (hope that made sense).

    The other thing is the from time to time, an odd glitch occurs where the player goes through the wall.

    Other than that it works so thanks again

  • I need some help/advice on how to put Ads into my Android game. I'm publishing my game through CocoonJS and i've searched through topics on ads for CocoonJS and i'm a little confused as there seems to be various method on doing this with mixed results.

    What i've done is created the following event and placed in my menu and game over event sheet as thats where i want my ads to show.

    CocoonJS - Is showing banner ad - show banner ad bottom center

    I've also created an event on my splash screen - End of the layout - Show full screen ad

    Is this the right way to do it? I tested my game through CocoonJS launcher and banner ads didn't show up but it did show a full screen ad, but only the one time so far.

    I'd appriciate some help on this as, like i mentioned before, i'm finding it a little confusing and i'm still learning, so go easy on me


  • Yeah it's fixed in the sense that the player doesn't move towards the left when falling but now the jumping doesn't work properly as it's become quite unresponsive and the double jump doesn't work.

  • Anyone?

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Member since 18 Jun, 2014

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