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  • I have an Autorunner game with powerups and I'm trying to create a reward system for my game, where if the player hits a certain score (123,456 in this example) then the powerups will amount to something like 5,000 instead of 1,000 as it is normally. I also want to change the powerup sprite when this happens so that it's a different colour.

    So in my game, if the player dies then you'll have two options on the game over screen, Menu & Retry. If the score 123,456 is achieved, then instead of retry, a continue sprite will appear instead. What i want is when the continue button is pressed, the powerups change from 1,000 to 5,000 via a different sprite.

    I've tried various different way in order to get the special powerups to appear rather than the normal ones when the score 123,456 is hit but i can't get it to work. I think the problem is that if i press the continue button, it goes restarts my game layout so it doesn't register any changes and starts normally.

    I've provided a capx i've done, with this i've set the score to always be 123,456 when the player dies so that the continue button appears. I would appriciate any help to solve this.


  • Thanks, I noticed what I left out in my capx. I have an issue with some of the platforms look stretched/distorted, any way to fix this?

    What would be the best way to go about using an image to represent a platform for an auto runner bearing in mind that platforms can appear in different types of sizes?

  • Thanks for the link, that does seem like what i need for my issue. I've tried to incorporate 9patch by replacing it with the tiled background block from the Autorunner template and replace everything in the event sheet with 9patch but it's not working for me perfectly, i'm not sure how to do it.

    When i tried it, the platform for 9patch doesn't spawn correctly and appears stretched on some platforms. I'm guessing this is because of my image, is there a way to sort this out?

    Could i get an example of it working in the Autorunner template if possible please?

    I've just realised my mistake with the capx i provided, as it's just the Autorunner template with no changes

    I've provided a capx of what i've done with the 9patch.

  • Can anyone help me out with this please?

  • Thanks MrGoatsnake It seems to be better now, and with such a simple change

    Also great job with the tutorial. Thanks for taking the time out to do this, i'm sure this will help a lot of people out.

  • I've been looking at ways to incoporate a Sonic style jumping to my game, where the height/power of the jump is determined by how long the user touches the screen.

    I found a helpful solution to this by MrGoatsnake here (remove the space between the slash next to https: and the space after www.) -

    http:/ /www.

    This thing with this is when i tap the screen (mouse click in this case) the player does do a small jump, which is what i want but i don't like the way the jump occurs. When the player does the small jump, it looks as if it's hitting an invisible block and just coming straight back down (best way i could describe it ) When the player does a high jump by holding the jump button, the jump looks fine.

    I would like to fix this jumping motion so that the small jump looks like a small jump rather than how i described it. Is there any way to do this?

    I hope i've made it clear what i'm looking for, might be a bit confusing.

    I've provided the capx file from that thread, credit goes to MrGoatsnake.

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  • I'm creating an Autorunner game where the platforms appear randomly in different lengths and i wanted to create a platform that looks quite realistic in the sense that the sides are not just straight rectangle lines but are sort of rugged or curved off.

    Is there a way that i can use a image with rugged edges (or something similar) as my platform and the image appears correctly as a long or short platform depending on the size.

    I'm having trouble trying to word this properly as it's a bit complicated to explain, so i can understand if anyone is confused. I've provided a capx file, which is just the Autorunner template. What i've done with this is added a platform image that i just quickly photoshopped from an image and inserted it into the game.

    In the capx, you can see that if it's a short platform, it just cuts the image rather than resizing and if it's a long platform then it respawns the image and theres a gap in between, which doesn't look great. I know why there is a gap, as i'm using a tiled background as my platform and my image isn't really sutible for that.

    If i wanted to use the image in the capx as my platform, how do i do that?

  • Thanks! That's fixed the problem

  • I don't think it's a bug because if i change the Webstorage action back to how it was before it works the way it should do, the highscore updates when the score is beaten and stays that way until it's beaten again.

    Heres how the web action was before -

    Webstorage - Set local key "Highscore" to round(CurrentDistance)

    It's only when i change it to how it is in the picture above that the problem arises. So i think its a problem with how i've done it, but i'm not sure what i've done wrong. Do i have to do something different with the expression because i'm using Webstorage?

  • I've got this working with my scores during gameplay so thanks for that but I've got an issue trying to get this to work with my webstorage.

    Basically when i try to input this into my webstorage event which saves and displays highscores, it works the very first time after reseting webstorage value but after that the score doesn't update regardless if the score has been beaten until i reset the webstorage value again.

    I've provided a screenshot of what i've done, i hope this is enough to go by

    Sorry if i missed out anything out, hopefully someone can help.

  • I'm a beginner here and I too was looking at how to insert commas into numbers. Thanks trultz for the detailed guide into doing this.

    I'm curious to Magistross & ggibson1 method of doing this. Could you guys go into a bit more detail on how to use this expression please? I've tried inputting this into my score via functions but its not worked for me as nothing happens.

    I haven't found many topics that talk about RegexReplace so my knowledge on the matter isn't great, which is probably why it hasn't worked for me.


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