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  • Right...... OK, obviously i've not made my issue clear enough to understand what i'm on about so lets try some visual aids, maybe that help explain what i'm refering to.

    This is what i'm talking about. This is from my 2nd capx. Do you notice how each time the player drops, the player moves closer and closer to the left? The player ends up at the edge of the screen... This is what i want to FIX.

    Note the difference with this example, where the player drops but does NOT move to the left and end up at the edge of the screen? This IS how i want it.

    (Apologies for the quality, should be OK though)

    I tried fixing this issue on the 1st capx i posted by setting the player's X (which is line 16 in the capx), but ended up with a glitch where the player moves through platforms. Judging by the feedback,I'm guessing this is the wrong way to go about it, so i'm looking for a solution to the problem above, where the player moves to the left when falling.

    I hope thats made it clear and any help would be appriciated.

    [quote:sd7mcpke]Btw, line 12 is wrong, i've corrected it, didn't check everything in detail, line 12 just too obvious.

    This is from the Autorunner Template on Construct 2.

  • I don't get why you can't see the problem, the issue is there with the 2nd capx as I've just tested again.

    What happens is when my player falls of a platform (without jumping), it moves gradually to the left of the screen. When the player jumps, it's fine, its only when you let the player fall/run off the platform that this happens.

    It's a slight movement but i have double jump so if you just fall/run off the platform and then jump in mid air and land on a platform and do it continuously, you'll see the player getting closer and closer to the left of the screen.

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  • When the player runs or falls off the platform, they shouldn't move left or right, the X position should stay fixed so that doesn't happen.

    In my game, when you fall off, my player moves to the left of the screen, which it shouldn't do. It should stay in the same X position.

    I tried to fix this by creating an event that sets my player's X manually when falling, and although this worked, my player starts going through platforms which is the glitch I'm refering to in the 1st capx.

  • I've mentioned in the first post that the glitch doesn't occur with line 16 removed.

    The reason i added line 16 is because i had an issue with my player moving to the left to the screen/going back each time you drop/fall off the platform. If you continously do this, eventually the player will end up on the edge of the screen.

    Unfortunately, with line 16 added, the glitch with my player falling through platform occurs.

    The 1st capx i posted has the glitch with falling through platforms. The 2nd capx i posted just the same as the 1st capx except without line 16, so the issue with that one is my player moving towards the left of the screen when falling of a platform.

    I basically want to solve the issue of my player moving towards the left of the screen when falling of a platform.

  • I've mentioned previously that i have been struggling with an issue with my player moving to the left when falling, and unfortunately no-one has been able to come up with a solution (although many have been helpful enough to try, which is appriciated)

    This was the only method i could find that would work, but it has created other problems like you said, which i was hoping could be fixed. I don't see anything wrong with asking for help with that...

    I've added my old capx without the changes, where the issue is with the player moving back when falling. If this issue can be solve then that would be great, but as i've mentioned, i've not been able to find a solution yet.

  • Anyone? Sorry to bump this but I could do with some help....

  • Ive been struggling with this issue for while now and really need some help on this. I've got a glitch in my game where my player goes through platforms for some reason.

    I had an issue with my autorunner where my player kept moving to the left when running off a platform, i managed to solve this by setting my players X position when they are falling (line 16). But after doing this, my player starts to go through platforms and i have no idea why.

    When i delete the event i created, the glitch doesn't happen, it works as it should. I don't know why it's doing this and would appriciate help on fixing this issue.

  • Unfortunately using an invisible sprite hasn't fixed the issue for me.

    Can anyone else please take a look at my capx and try and help fix the issue?

  • Anyone with any advice of using invisible sprite?

    If this isn't the best way, could anyone else help me fix the glitch I'm having?

  • Just reading through the forums, i was wondering using a invisible rectangle sprite with no animations with the Platform movement would work?

    I've read a few people that have recommened this for platform games, but would this work for an autorunner?

    If so, should i just create an invisible block and transfer all behaviours from the player to the block and replace the player with the block in the events?

  • You can never use too much variables

    Thanks but although it's a little better, I still get instances where the player skips through some platforms, and also when two platforms are close together that you can just run onto the other, if the platform you're running onto is just slightly raised than the one you're on and you run onto it (hope that made sense), either the game ends (restarts) or it skips through it.

  • rekjl Thank you for your response, i've tried the capx but because the level restarts when the player overlaps the platform, it kind of renders the game unplayable as there is no way of telling when it could happen and it defeats the purpose of the game.

    I'm glad it's not a bug but could you help me find a workaround for this please? Could you perhaps fix it so that it worked as before but without the glitch and the player moving back to the left when falling (which i mention in the first post that i kind of fixed with Line 16)

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