tomhaiger's Recent Forum Activity

  • Is there a way to hide interstitial ads? You can hide banner ads but there doesn't seem to be a way to hide interstitial ads. What i wanted to do is create an event to hide a interstitial ads that show up on my game layout/during gameplay.

    Is there a way to do this?

  • warville Thanks for the reply. The one layout isn't going to work for me as i've already put time into the menu, splash screen etc on seperate layouts, so i'm going to stick with multi layouts.

    Your idea of a cut scene isn't bad, but at the end it's just adding more resources to my game isn't it? I'd want to try and find a another solution before trying that to be honest.

    The thing is, when i tested with CocoonJS and mopub, the ads appeared straight away but just didn't appear all the time. I prefer to use Crosswalk as i personally think it's better. I've assumed that i've done something wrong in my game but the fact that it shows up straight away on CocoonJS suggests that i've done it OK. Are there any settings on Admob that i need to change that would help, or any other suggestions?

  • Hi,

    I've gotten an issue with Crosswalk ads for my game. When testing my game, there's a delay in my ads appearing, the delay is around a few seconds. This can be quite intrusive as my full screen ads is supposed to appear before the Main Menu appears but because of the delay it appears sooner, most of the time during gameplay as my menu is pretty simple so it's quick to get into a game.

    This is also the case with banner ads to, it's quite frustrating. I'm using Cranberry's admob plugin and i've set up my admob account so i don't know where the issue lies. I've tried pre-loading both banner and intersitial ads but still the same result.

    Also, another thing is that when i download the game for the very first time, the ads don't appear when you play the first time and the game starts to lag alot. Once you exit and re-enter the game then the ads appear with the delay and the game performance improves.

    Sorry for the long post but hope someone can help.


  • Cherico Thanks for the capx. Comments are great, really helped out

  • TheDom Thanks, that seemed to do the trick

  • I've got a small issue with my scrolling background, it seems to stutter while scrolling and i don't know why or how to stop the stuttering.

    The actual scrolling is fine and works well, it's just the stuttering thats the issue, it may seem minor but its annoying me now

    I've provided a capx to show what i'm on about. Hope someone can help, it maybe something realy simple i'm missing but i've not been able to stop the stuttering.

    If it helps, i'm using Chrome to test this.


  • Lordshiva1948 Thanks, this will work great

  • Just an update, after testing the rain on my game, it starts to stutter quite badly for me, and this is while testing on my PC browser. It never used to stutter like that when testing with particles so I'm presuming that the way I've done it in the capx I just posted isn't a good way to go about it...

  • Lordshiva1948 That example uses particles, i'm looking to avoid using that Thanks for taking the time to help out though.

    Hasuak Thanks, it's bit more clear (not that there was anything wrong with Brashmonkey's explanation). Haven't had a chance to try that but will give it a go and see how i get on.

    Looking through some of the tutorials, i have found one thats helped.

    I've managed to create rain with this tutorial (thanks Bl4ckSh33p) even though it's for snow, I've tweaked it for rain.

    I've provided a capx of what i've done, is this OK to replace particles in terms of improving perfomance and memory usage?


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  • Thanks for the replies. I'm a little confused on your suggestion, mainly because i'm a beginner still and i'm learning as i go along. Could you show me an example of what you're refering to?

    Lordshiva1948 Thanks for the example, it actually looks pretty cool, as if the rain drops are on the screen. It's a little too much for my game though I'm just looking for something simple like my example with particles. Would you be able to provide an example replicating the rain in my capx?

  • I've got an autorunner game and i'm using particles to create rain. When testing my game on mobile, it runs OK but there is some stuttering going on. I then tested my game after removing the particles and it seemed to improve performance somewhat.

    I've read the article on here regarding particles and it's not really recommended to use particles on mobile phones due to frame rate being limited as it is.

    So i was wondering if there is another way round to creating a weather effect without affecting the frame rate as much? I'd appriciate any help on this.

    I've provided a capx with the particle effect i'm using in my game if that helps.


  • Haven't found any differences in performance between beta & stable, might be just my game though.

    Cheers for the info Ashley.

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