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  • PeYMaN57 For some reason i can't get it to work for me, even after following the steps.

    I've installed Cranberry's plugin and i've set up my events as shown below -

    I've exported to IntelXDK and input the following code to intelxdl.config.additions.xml and added my App ID (11 digit number) instead of "YOUR_GOOGLE_PLAY_GAME_APP_ID"

    <intelxdk:plugin intelxdk:name="game" intelxdk:value="" intelxdk:id="">
        <intelxdk:param intelxdk:name="APP_ID" intelxdk:value="YOUR_GOOGLE_PLAY_GAME_APP_ID" />
    Do i need i need to add my App ID to 'intelxdk:name="APP_ID"' as well? There was no mention of that, so i'm not sure.
    I haven't ticked Google Play services in the plugins section of IntelXDK and in the developer console, i've set up Play services and Alpha testing. Only thing i haven't done is set up achievements or leaderboards yet, but the whole thing is ready for testing.
    I'm assuming i've made a mistake somewhere so i'd appriciate some help
  • I need some advice with implementing leaderboard to my game. I've installed Cranberry plugin for leaderboards, and created the following event -

    Start of Layout, Browser: Is online, User is not logged in => Login User

    On touched button - Show Leaderboard

    (Credit to for the events, i read it on another post which i can't find now.)

    That's what i've done so far, i believe i have to get the App ID from Google Play and input that in the properties section of cranberrys plugin. Do i also need to input this after ticking Google Play Game services in the plugin section of Intel XDK?

    After that, what else would i need to do? I feel like i'm missing something but i'm not sure what it is, so i could do with some help on this.


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  • Never mind, found it.

  • Thanks for the reply. Is cranberrygame IAP plugin already built in to Construct 2 (r197) or would i have to manually install it? If its a manual install, where can i donwload it from?


  • Hi,

    I've got a free game with ads at the moment and I wanted to know how to make an option/button on my game that allows the user to purchase the option to remove ads.

    I've seen i few threads on this but i could do with help on this issue. I understand that i can stop ads through global variables, but its the rest of it that i need some help with as i'm not sure how to go about it.

    Would i need to create a button that directs the user to pay for a license (or something like that) to remove the ads?

    I'd appriciate some help on this, sorry if the question seems vague.


  • lordvader I'm using it for Android right now, but i am planning on making it for Windows soon. I'm doing it through Crosswork and i'm using Admob for my ads.

    I can't really help with ads for Windows as i've not used or tried it yet, sorry. I'm sure someone else here will help you with that though.

  • codah Thanks, thats actually helped. I've never used preload interstitial before as i didn't notice a difference, but i've noticed that if i set preload interstitial on the layout before i want my ads to show, it works without much delay.

    I've got just a few more thing i need help with -

    1. After using preload interstitial, the interstitial ads don't show up all the time, only around 3 out of 5 times. It used to show up all the time before using preload, albiet it would be delayed as mentioned previously.

    2. When using preload banner, for some reason when the banner loads it's a smart banner, even though the size of my banner that i selected was 'banner'. After a while it does change to the correct size but is there a reason why it switches to smart banner first?

    3. Last thing is, does the preload action usually affect the gameplay if it's used at the start of that layout? I have a interstitial and banner ad shown on my game over screen, and when i use the preload interstitial and banner ads, the ads show up how i want which is great. But i've noticed that my game does lag when using the preload action on the gameplay layout, which wasn't the case before using this.


  • Thanks, I'll give it a go and see what happens.

  • Bump. Can anyone help?

  • I'm using Admob Ads to create my ads in game, i should have mentioned that in my first post.

    Admob Ads is an object which is built in to Construct. To add this to your game, just right click and go create new object, and then go to the monetisation heading and select Admob ads.

    You can control when and where they appear through events, but i'm having a little trouble with it as i'm getting a slight delay as to when they appear.

    This delay i'm getting means that sometimes the Interstitial ad appear during gameplay, which is quite intrusive. I wanted to create a work around for this by hiding the Interstitial ad during gameplay.

  • hundredfold Interstitial ads are just full screen ads, i'm sure there's a more technical explanation to that, which someone else could better explain But thats all interstitial ads are as far as i know.

  • I've got an issue where my interstitial ads gets delayed when appearing on my main menu, and so sometimes the ad will appear during gameplay and thus interupting the game.

    I wanted to try and remedy this issue by hiding the interstitial ad at the start of my gameplay layout so there are no interruptions, but i can't find a way to do so.

    Is there a way to hide interstitial ads? I know there's an action for hide banner ads, but nothing for interstitial ads. Is there a way to go about doing this?


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