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  • Iolva No unfortunately, i haven't solved it. Could you tell me how you did it please?

  • I'm having issue with implementing Google Play serivces to my game for leaderboards, my app is not connecting to Google play services properly so the leaderboards aren't working.

    I'm using Cranberry Cordova Game Plugin, i've set up everything in the events and in Intel XDK (installing the plugin & change the code) and I've uploaded it to beta in Google Play. When testing it, the app only seems to connect to play services when it feels like it, it'll connect a couple of times each time when starting the app and after that it won't connect again.

    I've also got a leaderboard button and have it so that it logins in the player if they aren't logged in and if they are logged in, it opens the leaderboard. This button works if i'm logged in, it opens the leaderboard with no issue. However this button doesn't work completely to login the user if i choose not to login at the beginning.

    Here's how I've done my events -

    SPLASH SCREEN LAYOUT (before main menu layout)

    End of layout - Cordova Game Login


    On Touched Button - Cordova Game Login

    - Cordova Game is Logged in - Show Leaderboard

    I hope i've made this clear, apologies if it's not. I'd appriciate help on this as its becoming really frustrating trying to get this to work.

  • Kribzy

    Thanks, that seems to have helped me out. Even though i did Restore purchases action, i didn't do an event for On Restore Purchases success. Now that i've done that, it seems to have worked

    Thanks again

  • I'm trying to find a way for user to restore purchases they previously made before uninstalling app when they have reinstalled the app.

    I've got the IAP working but need help with restoring purchases if user uninstalls and then reinstalls app.

    I've seen some topics on here regarding this but most of them are with CocoonJS, i'm using Cranberry's IAP plugin and Intel XDK.

    This is what i've tried but hasn't worked. I initially did - On request store listing suceeded - Restore purchases but that didn't work so i tried the method shown in the picture.

    I would appricate help on this as i'm struggling to get it to work.


  • I've been doing some minor tweaks with this to try and get the app working right with alot of trial and error and I've kind of made some progress with the app, still need help though.

    It sort of works but i've still got an issue where the sound will play multiple times when you move the phone once.

    Also, the other issue i have is that the sound only plays after i finish moving my phone whereas it should be that the sound plays during moving the phone, i don't know how to do this so i'm hoping some can help?

  • zenox98

    The problem i'm having is that while i've got the app to work in theory, whenever i move my phone to play the sound, the sound plays several times all at once. When i use the 'Trigger Once' event, then no sound plays.

    Also, i want the sound to play only when i move my phone forwards as shown in the video i posted, but in my case the sound also plays if i move my phone backwards (hope that makes sense). I don't know how to make it so it only plays when i move my phone forwards and not back.

    Here's the event i'm using to make the app -

  • LittleStain

    Apologies, these apps are well known so i assumed i didn't need to explain it. It's just a app the plays a sound (normally a whipping sound) once the user does the whip motion with their hands while holding the phone. The whipping motion is basically when you simulate cracking a whip, the motion of moving your hands fowards then back quickly.

    Here's a video that will show what the app is about -

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Hope that helps <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • I wanted to create a simple whip app but am struggling to get the whipping motion with the accelerometer. It's a little confusing so i was hoping someone could help out?


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  • I found this game on Google Playstore and really enjoyed it. It's a great time killer

    Didn't realise the game was made with Construct 2 until i seen the credits page, so thought i would do a little search and see if i found anything here about it so i could comment on it seeing as i'm making a infinity runner game too.

    Good Job!

  • Cheers, this helps a lot Thank you!

  • I've got an autorunner game with obstacles and i'm having a little trouble with the positioning of the obstacles when they appear.

    Basically, i've set up my obstacles so that they appear at random points on platforms but most of the obstacles that appear are near the very beginning of the platform and very little of them actually appear near the end to mix things up, so it doesn't feel very random (hope that makes sense).

    I've provided a capx, so hopefully that will make my problem clearer. The code i'm using to sort the positioning of my obstacle is this -

    Box - Set position to (Block.X + Block.Width / random (10,1) , Block.Y)

    If i change the 'random (10,1)' portion to just 1, then all obstacles appear at the end of the platform and if i change to 10, then they'll end up at the beginning of the platform. So i thought using 'random (10,1)' would work but it's not as random as i hoped it would be.

    It could be something really simple that i'm missing but can anyone help?


  • Thanks for the reply, that code is different to the one i'm using so i'll try that one.

    Is the event order in the screenshot OK? And everything else i mentioned with Google Play Services in the developer console?

    Edit: I've used the code but it's still not working for me, when I press my leaderboard button, nothing happens.

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Member since 18 Jun, 2014

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