tomhaiger's Recent Forum Activity

  • tamixx No need for apologies, it's fine. There's no rush so don't worry about it, i'm sure you have more important priorities right now.

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  • tamixx Any luck with the video?

  • tamixx If you can do it then I'd appriciate that, i use cordova CLI too so it would help a lot. I've been trying to get this to work for a long time.

  • miketolsa No i haven't solved it yet unfortunately.

  • I have posted on the Intel forum a few days ago but haven't got a reply yet...

  • Iolva Any luck with a tutorial for Google Play? I'm curious to see if your method works for me as i've been trying to get it to work without much success.

  • Thanks for the link, I'll have a look and try out some of them.

    I still haven't found a way to keep my performance boost without having the FPS counter, as i've no idea whats causing the boost. Would xmnboy or someone else from Intel help provide some information on this matter?

  • Have no idea why i'm getting a boost then. Do you get 60fps without --show-fps-counter?

    Is there a way to enable/disable gpu raster? Would this have an affect on performance? I'm just wondering whether this is only turned on if the fps counter is enabled, as i don't know how to tell if the gpu raster is on or off without the fps counter.

  • My thoughts exactly, i was shocked to see that i was getting 60fps with the counter on, wasn't expecting it at all.

    I've tried --show-fps-counter without anything else, no gpu blacklist or anything (apart from show fps counter, the only other thing i have in my 'intelxdk.config.additions.xml' is <preference name="debuggable" value="false" />).

    I still get 60fps, so it definately has something to do with the Intel FPS counter. I should also mention that the along with the fps counter, it also shows the gpu raster is on.

    It's really odd, i can't be the only one who is getting these results. Maybe someone from Intel would have better insight into this as i have no idea whats causing the boost.

    For me now, the problem i face is how to get this performance boost without the FPS counter showing, as you don't want to release a game with the fps counter showing in the corner lol.

    Colludium I've tried with sprite fonts but still get around 45fps, not much difference from text object.

  • Yes I did add --ignore-gpu-blacklist in both cases, with and without the FPS counter. Framerate was at 60fps with the fps counter and 30-45 fps without fps counter.

    What I haven't tried is show-fps-counter without ignore-gpu-blacklist. I'll try that and see what results I get.

  • Yes i did also add --ignore-gpu-blacklist, sorry forgot to mention that. I added the whole code from the following link into my intelxdk.config.additions.xml file, i didn't remove anything.

    https: / / com/en-us/forums/intel-xdk/topic/607958#comment-1861424 (remove spaces)

    Since i added the code, i've experienced the FPS boost.

    Colludium I will try that and get back with results. Thing is i can tell that the performance improves with the Intel FPS counter as it runs very smooth, as it should with 60fps. With a text FPS counter that i used before, there was noticable lag at 30-45fps. So i can tell without comparing side by side that the performance increases.

  • I've been trying out the new Intel XDK update with CW16 and noticed an odd result where my game framerate improves when i enable the Intel FPS counter. I assumed that this would slow my game down but has had the opposite effect, to an extent where its running at 60 fps on old devices (whereas before it would be between 30-45fps).

    I've tried creating my own FPS counter with Construct 2 and it didn't give a performance boost, so it's got something to do with Intel's FPS counter.

    Does anyone know why the Intel FPS counter is giving such a boost? Has anyone else experienced this?

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Member since 18 Jun, 2014

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