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  • dop2000

    Great! Thank you for your help, i've worked on this for ages trying to get it to work :)

  • I've got an issue with my infinite scrolling background. When it's scrolling in full screen with Outer Scale, every few seconds the background on both sides disappears for like half a second and appears again (it's difficult to describe, you'll understand when you actually see it).

    If you don't view it in full screen, it works fine. I think it has something to do with it scrolling outside the layout as i'm using Outer Scale, but can't work out how to fix it.

    Here's my capx -

    I've tried other methods of scrolling and get the same issue, so i don't know how to fix this. Would appriciate help on this.

  • I've got it working now. I was using Create Object, which was causing my issue.

    Thanks for your help.

  • oosyrag

    Thanks for the reply, but this hasn't worked.

    I still get the same issue where the pop up resets when changing layout.

  • I want to make a notification bar (similar to Xbox when you sign in) that can display between layouts without reseting.

    I've set my pop up bar so that when the trigger is met, it'll slide up and go back down after a second.

    Problem i have is that when the pop up is on display, and I switch to another layout, it resets and starts to slide back up again.

    I want to have it so that the pop up movement is not affected if the layout has changed.

    I'd appriciate some help with this.

    Here's a capx of what i've tried.

    Please note that I'm using the LiteTween plugin, so you'll need that in order to access the capx.

  • anty21ro

    That works perfectly. Thanks!

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  • Hi,

    I have a box sprite that, when created, is created 4 times and are positioned next to each other horizontally to form a rectangle.

    I've applied a Sine behaviour to the sprite and have the period set at 5, so that when the box is created, it'll move up and down.

    I want the period number to be a random number between 1 and 5 when created.

    'Box on created' - 'Set Sine period to random(1,5)'

    I've tried this but that hasn't worked as this gives a random number for each box, so they're moving seperatly rather than together.

    Is there a way to give all the boxes created the same random generated number for Sine period?


  • alextro

    I used your example, I downloaded it a while back but hadn't got round to using it till lately.

  • alextro

    With regards to your example, if i wanted the car to go the opposite direction by pressing SPACE, how would i do that? I tried but couldn't get it to work perfectly, i was hoping you could help.


  • jeffige

    I got excited when i read your suggestion as i didn't think of that and seems obvious, but unfortunately, the platform is a tiled background so unless i'm mistaken, you can't modify collision points.


    Thanks for the suggestion. Thing is, the platform generates at random width and height, so how do i get the platform and invisible sprite the same when they're created?

  • I've been using the Auto-Runner template and was wondering, Is there a way to have the player run and land on the platform couple of pixels lower than how it is now?

    In the template, the player runs and lands on the top of the platform, i wanted it so that it runs and lands a little lower on the platform.

    I hope i've made it clear to understand what i'm looking for.

    I've tried to do it but i'm finding it difficult to do considering that the platform has a solid behaviour so the player will always land on top.

    Would appriciate any help on this.

  • Quick update. After deciding to try it again, I seem to have got this working even though i haven't changed anything from the last time. It seems to be a lot more consistant in logging in now.

    I do still have a couple issues though, that i could get some help with:

    1. If you choose not to sign in when the Google Play pop-up appears OR you sign out after you've signed in, i can't sign back in to Google Play services unless i exit the game and go back in and wait for the pop up. I have a button setup to login to Google Play if they aren't logged in already, this doesn't work as everytime i press it i get 'login failed' (This is custom message i put if it fails to login to Google Play). If i choose to sign in at the start when the pop-up appears, that button works as it's used to show leaderboard if the user is logged in, so it's only not working as it should when the user isn't signed in. (I hope this all made sense)

    2. There is a delay in submitting scores to the online leaderboard. I have a button where you submit your score after its pressed, and a message will come up telling you that your score is submitted. Whenever i do this, this is a delay of a few seconds before the message shows up and the score is submitted.

    Has anyone else encountered these issues and fixed them?

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Member since 18 Jun, 2014

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