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  • Hi,

    I just thought, i will share my opinion and suggestion on the UI in construct 2. Specifically for event sheet.

    So, right now I work on project which has almost 2000 events (and it is going to be more than that) in one eventsheet. Since I got my hands on full construct 2 license I went little crazy . Having groups and comments is great way to organize things. But still 2000 events is a lot and the event sheet is crowded and finding part of the code is no longer an easy task (yes even with search/find feature).

    Ok my suggestion is, that it would be very helpful to have ability to change color of selected groups or comments. Maybe like this: on group right click -> edit or on creating group/comment than give it desired color to distinguish parts of the code. For example Enemy AI from Player weapons etc.

    I did work on some projects in UDK (Unreal development kit) and I used kismet (simplified in-engine object-based scripting tool) and it has feature to give events, vars, comments etc. custom color, it helped a lot. I didnt try Unreal Engine 4 yet to see how they did their scripting tool in there, but I can assure you that this coloring feature helped a lot, to have things more organized.

    So guys what do you think? Do you use some third party extensions or some cool tricks to make things better organized?

    Hope it helps cheers

  • Hey, awesome work! I hope you are still working on this behaviour. I using Chrome v40.0.2214.93 It works somehow, but text in textboxes just move away.

    If you are still working on this behaviour, adding alpha modification to the sprite would be awesome. Be able to make holes in the sprite without need to create another object would be even more awesome Keep up the great work !

  • Thank you everyone for your responses, and especially thank you Wisdoms! Thats exactly what I need, it can be tweaked a lot too. It also works if you want to make trails small, which is great So another challenge, I want to make it appear on multiple objects, I didnt have the time, but Im going to try !

  • Hello,

    I have been through a lot of struggle and I found myself nowhere near the end. I want to make performance wise trail effect for multiple (about 10-30) objects, without discontinuous appearance, especially with thin lines. And with slow fading.

    Something like http://hakim.se/experiments/html5/trail/03/.

    I tried lot of approaches, and the most simmilar effect can be created with help of canvas plugin through draw line (which is awesome btw). Unfortunately canvas plugin is little performance intensive and when I tried to make lot of trails, I didnt get it quite right and performance impact on my 4-quad machine was unpleasantly high.

    Recreating sprite over and over again with fading isnt good idea either, if the object moves too quickly trail will appear dotted or with unwanted spaces between sprites.

    I hope someone of you guys can help me, thx in advance for responses.

    Here is what I was able to do (yeah it isnt much) :

  • Ok, good point with the license, thank you anway. I thought that if two peaple have their own license, they can work on one project. Ill look in to it deeper.

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  • Hi,

    I didn't found a good solution to my little problem, how can two developers work efficiently on one projects using Construct 2, if they both programming. Have somebody the experience, to tell me which way is best or at least some ideas?

    Thx in advance.

  • Im sorry, my mistake,

    but I cant figure out how to use it the way I want anyway :/ I would like to Have one big sprite than make small holes into it during gameplay. And some way to make holes into it, using as little sprites as possible. With canvas I think it is possible to do it, but Im not quite there

  • Nice works guys, thx for the collection

  • So there is no other way, than using blending effects? Cmon, there has to be. I know it is a lot different, but in Unity and Unreal dvelopment kit, I was able to alter alpha channel realtime in game. What am I missing ?

  • Hey, that is pretty awesome effect, good job

  • Hi,

    thank you for the reply, but since I earlier said, I would like to avoid blending, since I will make a lot of holes in one sprite. If I use blending effects I would have to use for each hole new sprite. I would like to avoid that. I tried Canvas plug-in to draw "holes" on canvas, with blending effect to make the holes in the sprite under it. but the catch is, that canvas doesnt have abillity to use blending effects :/ I tried to apply blend effect on whole layer where canvas are, but no luck.

    So question remains the same, is there a way to alter alpha of a sprite in-game?

  • Hi there,

    Im wondering, if you can make holes in sprites during gameplay. I would like to Have one big sprite than make small holes into it during gameplay. So I thought using alpha of a sprite will do what I want, but I didnt find much. Is that possible? Or is there other way to do it ?

    It is for mobile device project so I need to have small amount of sprites. That means using blending effects is not the best idea I guess.

    Thanks in advance for responses!

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Member since 1 Feb, 2014

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