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  • So after lot of effort I failed to make multiple trails. Do anybody have an idea how to do that correctly? If there is only one trail, it works ok, but, if there is more than one, it doesnt work as intended (wrong angle of spawned sprite trail - on second rocket, not destroying the correct emmiter and more). I wanted to have less sprites, so I used longer sprites with less resolution (target was about 10 trail sprites for 1 rocket).

    Here is a capx what I have done so far (not much I know).

  • Np, Im glad the answer helped

  • Fastest and easiest thing would be, when starting new project, pick retro style project template. Beside the pixel rounding and point settings, you can also apply "Pixelate" effect to your layer or whole layout in the properties panel.

  • Hi there,

    I wanted to share with you guys THIS SITE, Old-school console games in your browser. From Nintendo and arcade coin-op games to Playstation and lot more. Great stuff, but for in browser PSX I recommend better computer, may be very sluggish.

    Have fun

  • I played lot of uneal tournament in the old days, and I was surprised, that the game is fast like UT, but for some reason the game is not fun for me. I started to play it long time after it came out, so it might be the reason, when I joined the game (after playing tutorials) I got killed a lot, without anything what would draw me back to game. So after few hours I stopped playing.

    But the art style, unique classes and humor is pretty neat.

  • Pretty neat, I discovered this site not so long ago. But playing strategy games is not so fun, because of controls. I soooo wanted to play dune, but :/

  • Currently, if I dont playing my game (right now for testing purposes mostly) I play Divinity Original sin, a must have game, for RPG fans. And a lot of arcade coin-op games on MAME emulator like Metal Slug series, SHMUPs etc.

    Divinity is worth every penny, if you like freedom, RPG, turn-based games and nice story (it is not unbearably epic, but it has soul IMO). Go for it.

  • Dont worrly pal, you will get even better

    Unifrom: I agree with you.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Awesome behavior, keep up the great work. It helped me a lot

  • Wow, that is super easy, thx for the tip

  • You are right Ribis and thanks for suggestions.

    Can I still re-make the eventsheet to multiple eventsheets, so I do not break my game? Is there some tutorial how can I do this?

  • I see, I thought about that and I understand.

    So there is no other way to organize event sheet than the grouping and commenting things ? I would love to make my work with event sheet as pleaseble as possible

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