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  • Thanks for suggestion,

    because the project is rather big, it will take time to do that kind of change. But the idea is good, I'm going to try it. Still don't know why it does not work and it makes me angry

  • Hi there,

    The game is basically a classic tower defense, game works fine. I would say that there is not much consistency and immersion, information like tutorial for how to play or at least tooltips to what the towers do would be nice. I also feel like there is nothing new going on which breaks into fast stereotype and breaks the gameplay, definitelly lack of feedback for player what is new etc. I would suggest to at least tell the player, if he progresses to a new wave, how many money you get for destroyed objects and also some basic rules on start of the game like "prepare yourself and defend your life" or smthn, maybe a short story what is happening. It is not very informative, what is this game about either.

    I like that, there is on tutle screen the "gameplay" which gives you idea what you are playing.

    Sound is not bad. Music inst bad too, maybe it changes too often, it is better to use one music track if it is better than four IMO.

    Graphics, well it is there. Good thing is, it doesnt hurt the gameplay. Try to be consistent with use of font with the rest of the game, objects are not very distingushable from each other, I had also a hard tim identifying of what those objects are, use of colors is not good (try to learn some basics of color theory).

    Hope it helps you to make better games, keep it up!

  • Basically the title says it all, but the long story is bellow.

    I need to have the rest of the screen black, when the game is running in the window. If you run the game in browser, there is your specified window where your gaming awesomness happens. And I need to change the color of the rest of the browser window.

    Defaultly set to black, but when I fiddled with my project I accidentally somehow changed it to white (maybe because I tried Splaash plugin that set the color to something else).

    I tried to change the collor of background, but no luck there. So how can I change the color? That is the ultimate question

  • Thanks for suggestion. In intel XDK I used browser intent and set up the URLs (white list - browser intent or something like that). I already have another URL linked to other website (musician site) and it works fine. But the rate button does not, for some mystical reason

  • Hi there,

    I have the same problem. I tried this technique that is suggested in this thread. But it doesnt work Basically call the URL of the google play game site with browser object on some event (on touched sprite or whatever). There is got to be a correct solution, maybe through some plugin, but plugins tend to get old and if not supported useless over time. I started new thread on this topic too.

  • Hi there,

    I tried this technique, but the browser does not start up at all, used intel XDK and whitelisted the URL. Tried it with another URL and it works (link to the musician). Dont know where the problem might be :/

    Game (Shape Eater) runs on android devices.

  • Do you mean, if I played sound with the "tag" I want to mute before I mute it? If so, I did, still same problem. I just want the user to have the option to turn off music or Gamplay SFX individually. But those tags just don't like me I guess

  • Hi there

    I made arcade game called Shape Eater, you can check it out on google play it's free! Feedback is only thing I want

  • Hi there

    I made arcade game called Shape Eater, you can check it out on google play it's free! Feedback is only thing I want

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  • Thanks for reply guys,

    Im using this method "just set nothing as a loader layout" and there is this black screen at start, which look really unproffesional, but if there is no other solution...

    Well my hopes were pretty high after I read this part of Ashly's tutorial.

    "1. Loader layouts are not shown when publishing as native apps on mobile (e.g. via PhoneGap, CocoonJS and appMobi). This is because the entire application is downloaded at once. Since all files are immediately available, nothing needs to be downloaded. For these platforms you probably want to focus on a custom splash image instead."

    But there is no explanation how to use only splash screen. SO here I am trying to get some help

    EDIT: There is still problem, why the default C2 loader layout shows up, even if I use only loader layout. I set in project settings "custom loader layout" and "Starting layout -> CustomLoading".

  • Hi all,

    I need to get rid of loader layout, once an apk is installed on device, there should not be a use for it, as Ashly said in his custom load tutorial. So, how do I get rid of it ? I just want one splash screen and than play. Oh and btw, if I use custom loader layout, the construct 2 loader will appear anyway, than the custom one and after that the first layout comes up

    Worst case scenario is, when I use intel xdk splash screen. That would mean, distorted splash screen, construct 2 loader, custom loader and than after all of this, da game.

    Any kind of help would be highly appreciated!

  • Hi there,

    I need to make "rate us" button (actual rating process not icon) for google play.

    I have used method that is laying somewhere around here on forums. Basicly just using some url via browser plugin, when the button is pressed, but with no luck. If I press it in exported apk that is already on device, nothing happens. If I do it in preview in Construct2 it works.

    I'm using C2 r221, Exported with cordova, than ported with intelXDK with crosswalk on Android. Any suggestions?

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Member since 1 Feb, 2014

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