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  • Hi there,

    I always struggled when it came to sound tags in construct 2, for some reason, when I want to mute multiple groups of sounds it simply doesn't work.

    In my current project, I have 4 general tags I'm using and I want to mute individually those 4 tags (I see them as groups in my eyes). Three of them are related to Game sound ("GamePlaySFX", "PitchedEat", "PitchedMiss" ) and the Iast one is just for backgorund music ("BGM"). Im simply using buttons to mute or unmute sounds, but only "BGM" tag is working, all in ogg format, music is in Music folder and sfx in Sounds folder. You can check it out on the picture below. Why, it makes me crazy

    Did anyone experience same problem ? I hope the problem is just between keyboard and chair. Please, need halp ASAP!

  • Yes that is what I was looking for. I did not know how to ask the question.

    Solution worked perfectly, thank you

  • Hi guys,

    I googled for a while, and read the expressions documentation, but I cant find the way how to parse strings.

    I want to take string data (number) entered in text box from it and use as a value for global variable. So I can write number in the texbox while runnig the app and use that value in some calculations.

    How can I do that? Thx in advance.

  • Ok, and which platform is easiest / fastest to deploy to ?

  • Thank you for your reply, I'm aware of the risk, I didn't port any game on mobile platforms yet, so I dont know how long and tedious is the process of porting the game on specific platform. I am kinda scared of the porting process when I read posts on forums, what doesn't work and what problems are in the way.

    So I want to be as prepared as possible, to have a game with decent FPS, before I start porting.

    Some specific percentage or probability of the speed-up would be nice, but I understand, that it isn't that easy.

    Are there some do's and dont's when I want to get as fast port as possible, or which mobile platform is easiest to port? I don't need performance guidelines, that is something I already studied.

  • Hi guys,

    I would like to know how big is the speed difference of the game on mobile devices, if you launch it in web preview mode vs stand-alone installed game.

    When I try the game on mobile device (Microsoft Lumia 650) in web browser preview the game runs on stable 18-20 FPS but i need it to run at least 35. On some android devices, which have less powerful components the game runs better than on Lumia, generraly all Iphones devices runs At least 30 - 40 FPS.

    The game have no scrolling background only objects with bullet behaviour. No particle effects, no webGL effects etc. Roughly about 60 objects exists in the run-time.

    Simplified question Would be: Is the game going to get a speed-up if it is released on specific platform, and if so, how big is the difference going to be?

  • That's it!

    It works like a charm! Thank you, for fast and working solution

  • Hi,

    I'm wondering, how I can modify sound pitch in game. For instance if I want to get a coin, it will make a pickup sound, if I pick up another coin, the same sound will be played but with higher pitch and so on.

    I know there are some sound effects in Construct which I tried to use, but unfortunatelly didnt get the effect I was looking for.

    Any suggestions or ideas how to do that kind of stuff ? Thanks in advance

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  • Oh...

    Thank you korbaach. I feel kinda dumb, that I didn't try to look in examples

    Does those features work in IOs, Android and Win exported projects?

  • Hi folks,

    is there a way to read data from sounds and use that data to power some visual elements, for example, sprite position, size etc.

    I would like to create music visualizer, and frankly dont know where to start.

    Thanks for responses, in advance.

  • I would LOVE to use motion blur in my project!

  • [quote:1aut5arc]Or spend a few minutes learning about ROMs and Emulators and have literally any game with tons of extra features. Are you guys new to the internet?

    That is some new technology, that connects people and have the biggest collection of cats in the universe, I guess... Now srsly, I know about emulators (I Have LOT of emulators in PC), but lately I have been pretty lazy to search particular roms, download, try them and ... if the game doesnt work download elswhere or another build of emulator, viruses etc.

    Shortly, this site has its advantages (like search and play), but if you want to experience full power of emulators download one. Tip: XBOX 360 controller works great with emulators, best for Gamecube IMHO.

    I hope everyone is happy.

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Member since 1 Feb, 2014

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