Jantaaa's Recent Forum Activity

  • Thanks for response, I wanted to fix my camera to the player, also some physics collisions on dropped weapons and mouse cursor. Is that acceptable?

  • Is it possible to update the game after 15 june deadline? Just some minor changes I thought it might be considered as cheating, so I didnt update it since the deadline. BTW This is my entry : newgrounds.com/portal/view/641064

  • Ok, Ill try that, not used to programming, so Im sorry to bother you with something easy as this.

    Anyway big thank you guys :)

  • Hi Guys,

    I just want to know, if is possible to have bump mapping normal map with alpha. I tried it and no luck, even though the png had alpha, lighting affected empty area where opacity is set to 0. Did I just overlooked something, or it is not possible?

    Also is there a way to change color of the light?

    Thanks in advance for replies.

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  • I thought about this, but I kind of lost myself in the middle. I tried to make an event, when Sprite is not pinned -> destroy sprite, but there is no unpinned event trigger. How did you do that Paradox?

  • Hi guys,

    I ran into a serrious problem, which Im not able to solve. The thing is, I want to have on all instances of Enemy pinned another sprites (same sprites, like fire or smoke) well, good and easy so far, problem comes when I want to destroy an Enemy and destroy the sprite pinned on him. Right now, the destruction of Enemy will destroy all second sprites pinned on other instances of Enemy. But I want to destroy Enemy instance and only one sprite attached to that particular instance, without destroying every instance of sprite attached to Enemy instances.

    Hope it is not too confusing.

    Im new to Construct and I must say its pretty awesome so far. Im not good in programming so please if there is some solution, make it easy to understand.

    Thanks in advance

  • Hey guys, glad to be here. I hope I get some fine info or be able to help someone !

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Member since 1 Feb, 2014

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