[Effect] Alpha Threshold

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Is a system for building scorecards and achievements online for use in games Using this system, you can create a scorebo
  • ?

  • Hey, that is pretty awesome effect, good job

  • Fantastic plugin!

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  • Why this effect doesn't work on my iPad (dropbox demo)

  • Why this effect doesn't work on my iPad (dropbox demo)

    Does your iPad support WebGL? If yes, then it should work.

  • Great effect! Animmaniac is there a way to get transparency in addition to the effect? For example, water that you can see through? I tried changing the opacity of the layer, but that only affects the edges of the effect.

    Not right now. I need to modify the shader code to incorporate transparency.

  • This is great thanks. Would also appreciate transparency if it's not too much trouble, at some point.

  • Thanks for the effect!

  • Somehow I never grok'd what this was for until now...then I saw the fire example.

    Now I wanna go build a liquid sim with this effect...

  • what is (black to alpha )and how i get this effect ?

  • i open capx file but they show warning please install (black to alpha yann gragino) but i already install this effect but . not working. and i download and i download alpha threshold form this link . but effect not working still show warning you need (black to alpha yann gragino. please inbox me the solution

  • mrSingh

    i open capx file but they show warning please install (black to alpha yann gragino) but i already install this effect but . not working. and i download and i download alpha threshold form this link . but effect not working still show warning you need (black to alpha yann gragino. please inbox me the solution

    You need to install the 2 effect files, as mentioned in the Oringinal Post.

    Download the "Download Effect" zip file and unzip the file. Place the 2 files - "alphathreshold.fx" and "alphathreshold.xml" - into the Construc2 Effects folder, usually located at "C:\Program Files\Construct 2\effects".

  • i already download these "alphathreshold.fx" and "alphathreshold.xml" effects and also paste in effects folder. but not working . construct 2always show warning

  • mrSingh

    I'm not getting any error - works fine for me.

    I've also unpacked the .capx to check if there are any other non-standard effects in the project but as you can see from the attached, there is only the one non-standard and 2 standard effects.

    There is no reference to "black to alpha yann gragino".

            <effect author="Paulo Ricardo Reinehr" id="prralphathreshold">Alpha Threshold</effect>
            <effect author="Scirra" id="blurvertical">Blur Vertical</effect>
            <effect author="Scirra" id="inverse">Inverse</effect>
            <effect author="Scirra" id="blurhorizontal">Blur Horizontal</effect>
    What version of C2 are you using?
    What is your OS?
    What browser are you testing on?
    Can you upload a link to the .capx?  (you can bypass posting URL restriction by inserting a couple of spaces within the start of the URL).
    This will be quickest way to see what the problem is.
  • Thanks for the effect I was wondering would it be possible to set the opacity for the water?

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