LINE000's Forum Posts

  • Turret | On Shot: -

    |_ Repeat 10 Times : Turret | Spawn another Object : Bullet

    ------------------------------ Bullet | Set angle of motion : random(Turret.Angle+20,Turret.Angle-20)

    Should work.

    Hope I helped you.

  • I just wanted to create a little Time Rifters clone with those arrays in Construct 2. I thought that I did everything right but nothing happened in my Array replay script. I don't understand where the problem is so I posted it there. And there is the .capx attached if somebody wants to take a look on it:

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  • I'm creating a small multiplayer game and I need that everyone can play with his gamepad>

    But Construct 2 does not recognize the analog stick movement!!!

    I can press all the buttons and recognize them, but not the analog sticks.

    In debug there is no variable for analog stick axis!

    Is it a bug or I am silly? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" />

    I made all the events like in this manual entry:, because my game is a platformer.

    So "Jump" works, but not the movement with the analog stick.

    Sorry for my bad English. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" />

  • Thank you!

    Works like I wanted.

  • I'm working on a local multiplayer game, so I need that when Gamepad 4 connects as Player 2 the variable Player2 will always equal Gamepad4 (until it disconnects of course).

    But I don't know how to keep the variable Player2 from the "Lobby" Layout to the "Game" Layout.

    Sorry for my bad English.

  • If you're don't like spriter you can just to go on this website here:

  • No anwser???

  • I want to make an endless runner game so I need a platform that spawns directly together with the last platform, but those platform have a strange problem!

    I can't explain that...

    Please look at that capx.

    I need it really quick!!!

  • Please edit the zombie and the smileys!!!

    They are really ugly:(.


  • The Chrome 36 update broke a lot of old web content, including anything exported in 2012. This also affects Arcade games. They all need re-publishing.

    I have Chrome, bu many games don't working on IE and Firefox, too...

    But this is really randomly:

    Some games don't working on all browsers

    some games don't working only on IE...

    Why something doesn't work on IE or Firefox???

  • So my question is:

    How to make a laser that reflects of all obstacles until his energy is equal to 0?

    I know how to make a laser that just stops on any collision from the scirra arcade:

    Sorry for my bad english

  • Why this effect doesn't work on my iPad (dropbox demo)

  • ok

  • just for easing

    I love easing