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  • I am working on a project intended for android launch

    Issue is that the size of APK/AAB will be around 150 MB. And I don't seem to have any other option left to reduce that size (download assets from internet would be expensive for me in long run. And compression also is not giving great results)

    Any idea how to release it on Play Store as I have heard that maximum size permitted on play store is 100 MB

    Thanks in Advance

  • Hello everyone,

    With hard work & determination, I have successfully finished my game which took 14 months. And now I am excited to deploy my game on the Google Play Store.

    However, I also want to make my game available on the Apple App Store. But I don’t have the resources to get a MacBook & iPhone because of financial issues. However I can get a MacBook & iPhone for few days from my senior.

    Now, I have some doubts and questions:-

    1.) Is it possible for me to use someone else's MacBook and iPhone to develop and deploy on the App Store? Are there any potential objections from Apple App Store?

    2.) Are there any unforeseen challenges or complications that could arise from using someone else's equipment?

    3.) From point of using Construct 3, could I encounter any specific issues or hurdles in the process?

    BTW, are there alternative methods or solutions for deploying apps on the Apple App Store?

    Thanks in advance


    > I do not agree about Scirra being unaware or choosing to ignore the issues

    > On my own project, a desktop rhythm game, I have different settings for visuals, and when on "Ultra", I do see jank when cpu and gpu usage are both about 60% and the FPS is always stable

    Of course you don't, I reckon you mainly export to desktop.

    This is exactly it, no one in other platform exports have any idea. They think the same performance issues they have on desktop or web are the same, it literally isn't. You can still make rhythm games on desktop and reach 60% CPU usage while playable. However, mobile can reach 5% CPU usage and already starts lagging, because there is performance throttling and horrible stability issues.

    The desktop export is very powerful, not because of your device performance, but the browser itself, yet you still complain about performance issues. Imagine our case with weaker devices, very problematic browsers and zero engine features to alleviate it.

    You shouldn't use your case as a reference to our issues. This toxic positivity just makes our situation overlooked even further.

    > If they cannot resolve anything, is it up to Scirra to find a workaround or solution? I do not know.

    Please just don't make it worse, ignorance of mobile issues and trying to make it look alright is a quinquennial problem now.

    Agree with each & every alphabet

    And number of object spawning each second is NOT only & the perfect way to figure out performance of a game engine. One can't even use a effect in mobile games whereas that same device rocks complex 3d games with ease.

    Even changing layout is very laggy & headache for me

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hi,

    Did you reported it here?

  • I was able to replicate this bug:

    All superheroes do not wear cape

    Thanks a lot!

    Hear hear!

    Construct 3's mobile department is hopeless, no one is even bothering to check for any issues.

    It is pointless to argue since it's apparent that the Construct 3 developer isn't even aware of the issues or chooses to ignore them. So many people have tried and just gave up.

    Most tests the Construct 3 developer makes are about how fast JS is in the web, since that's what he only ever truly does. And then advertise how fast JS is, and make it look like even mobile is as well. Not after those benchmark tests that have no relevancy to actual issues of performance stability and performance throttling on mobile builds.

    For new users, if a game isn't as simple as Flappy bird or Angry Birds, then don't bother making it. If you think performance will get better after export, you'll be surprised it will be at least 30% worse after export than preview. And that's before the stability issues.

    Back in 2016, the Construct 3 developer said devices are getting more powerful and the performance will get better. Well, that's true, but not that you will benefit from it, Construct 3 performance is getting worse.

    Every tick needs to be light on mobile, but even the actual event sheet is so heavy and bloated, it's almost like a JS sandbox. I've fixed that by coding with JavaScript, but wait until you hear about a bigger problem, refresh rates on mobile.

    The browser is still as slow, but the demand for graphics is getting higher. Dealing with 60Hz on mobile exports is bad enough, but now we have 120Hz, and the Construct 3 developer is acting like it's no big deal, they made another product Animate since they probably feel like they have so few things to improve in the actual game engine.

    And then we suggest for frame rate locking, and the Construct 3 developer indirectly says it is a horrible idea for some technical reasons in which Chromium doesn't support, yet other engines like Phaser support. We then get linked to that everlasting Chromium issue that everyone already abandoned, forgotten or worked around.

    What's worse, is that people who either are clueless or only exports to web, web mobile or desktop, will also reply and say that the performance is fine, making us getting ignored even further. That is until they have to experience it themselves, and then be the ones to complain in the future.

    It's so easy to brush something off you don't experience or care.


    I only develop for mobile. And Construct 3's performance on mobile is very-very bad. I literally have to change my plans to make things run better on mobile

  • You can use 1 and 0 for true/false

    Thanks a lot for the reply

  • Hi Ashley

    I want to use ternary operator with 'boolean variable'. How to proceed?

    Example with number variable:-

    is_num=99?56:45 (it works)

    but with boolean variables:-

    is_ok=true?45:90 (it doesn't works. it does not even identify 'true')

    > If the build server itself was causing the disconnects, it would probably be happening to everyone. But it's not.


    > Unfortunately we can't be sure from this information what the problem is. But it may be a problem with the Internet connection in your area. If that's the case then I'm afraid it's unreasonable to ask us to investigate or fix the problem. It's simply out of our control and it's impossible for us to help, no matter how much anyone insists we deal with it.


    > I would instead suggest that the next best place to go to for help would be your ISP. If there is indeed a problem with the network in your area, they may be able to identify what's going on, and if the issue is with their network they would be the ones who can resolve it.

    Ashley Obviously you didn't bother to read what I wrote, because it's easier and more convenient to blame the customer.

    I tested 3 different connections, wifi and 4G.

    After 40 days the problem still persists.

    I'm moving away from Construct 3, I'm using another game engine that imports C3P files and exports to APK.

    I'm sad because I liked Construct, but the support is terrible.

    I have been following your posts & felt bad about the situation but please don't mind but such issues are client-side & tough to be solved by server-side

    1.) Can you change your device if possible? If project is light weight then you can even do it in mobile

    2.) My email id is Can you send a stripped down version so that I can give a try to your file?

    3.) If your APK generation rate is low then you may contact construct 3 developers through email id. They are great people & may compile it for you & send back the file

    4.) Rather than moving away from Construct 3 to another game engine, try compiling it manually through Cordova. I know that official documentation is not great but in 40 days I bet you would had figured out how to do it

    5.) Try using VPN & put different country location

    6.) It may sound terrible but can you do a clean reinstall of windows (by looking at your screenshots it is not connecting to server & it may have connections with network plugins/cache etc).

  • Hi,

    Can you give a check that which last version of construct 3 is running your game perfectly as you were expecting?

    Also give a check to beta versions as well

  • I bet you have already seen this article related to your issue.

    if not I hope this will help you.

    Thanks for the reply

    Definitely I have read that. But many times there are few things which can be learned only from other's experience

    For example:- I was facing 'ads restriction issue'. I made a post & someone replied that by 'naming' ads units properly, the restriction may go away. I tried it & it worked for me

    I was expecting something like that here too

  • Hi everyone,

    I am currently facing an issue ( ). By random trials, I discovered that by setting "max spritesheet size" equal to 512, it somehow fixes the issue

    Till now I have not faced any problem with setting max spritesheet size to 512, but are there any consequences which I may have to face later on because of it?

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Cascade Games

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