Did the latest update break something in my game?

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  • I'm getting a game-breaking bug that has never happened before after the latest update.

    Normally, when being spotted by these cameras, it fills up the Awareness Meter in the bottom left corner. Whenever this is filled (and sometimes seemingly for reason at all)

    the game completely breaks down and entire mechanics stop working. Doors do not work, the camera doesn't follow the player, enemy sprites are dislocated or vanish, sound effects loop and the game eventually crashes. I can confirm this wasn't happening before the update as I have a recent build of the game on my itch.io page where nothing like this happens. I have not touched any code regarding the cameras or awareness meter since then. I have no idea what is causing this.


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  • You may report the bug right here.

  • Hi,

    Can you give a check that which last version of construct 3 is running your game perfectly as you were expecting?

    Also give a check to beta versions as well

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