Ben_Crooked's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • This is a static first-person view that uses negative Z Elevation to give the impression of depth. The enemies start from the end of the hall and move closer to the camera. I'm unsure how best to make it so that the crosshair lines up the the enemy position taking its distance into account. The red line is where objects are considered to be overlapping. I also have no way of making only the enemy closest to the player is shot if there are multiple taking up the same space.

  • I've tried messing with cell sizes and cell borders but my enemies keep getting stuck on walls and trying to walk through them occasionally.


  • Nevermind, I think I got it, but I need a way to retrieve a positive number that is determined by how far a stick is from the center in any direction, as well as a way to make something angle itself 1:1 with the direction of the stick.

  • I'm unsure what goes in the "Index" part of the expression, what numbers correlate to what X and Y on which stick?

  • What's the most efficient way to have something move with 360 degree Analog stick movement and store the "intensity" (how far the stick is pushed in any direction) as a variable? Is it also possible to have analog trigger input?


  • I am aware that the save/load functions are meant for browsers and Local Storage is what can save when the game is exported to desktop. I want to know if there is a more efficient way to create save data than saving all 50 of my global variables as LocalStorage.


  • I'm getting a game-breaking bug that has never happened before after the latest update.

    Normally, when being spotted by these cameras, it fills up the Awareness Meter in the bottom left corner. Whenever this is filled (and sometimes seemingly for reason at all)

    the game completely breaks down and entire mechanics stop working. Doors do not work, the camera doesn't follow the player, enemy sprites are dislocated or vanish, sound effects loop and the game eventually crashes. I can confirm this wasn't happening before the update as I have a recent build of the game on my page where nothing like this happens. I have not touched any code regarding the cameras or awareness meter since then. I have no idea what is causing this.


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  • I've been trying relentlessly to figure out why my code that's meant to create doors between layouts doesn't move the player to the correct door upon loading a layout. The second image is the example code I tried replicating.


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  • Currently, I have a system that allows me to easily create loading zones at the ends of the screen in a 2D game, however when using a duplicate of that system to create doors within the screen, the player will enter the layout from the exit defined by the first system.

    When entering from 2, the player should appear in the second layout at point 4, however they end up at point 3 when first entering the room through either point 1 or 2.

    After using the door and entering from point 1, the player is put at point 4 again when they should enter from point 3.

  • Right now, I have damage for an entity set up like this:

    Obviously setting something like this up for the many enemy types planned would be awful on my part, so I'm looking for a way to make it so that when a bullet or hitbox collides with something, it subtracts "Damage" from the "Health" of whatever it hits, is there an efficient way to go about this?

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  • 10 posts