Doubts & Concerns About Deploying My Game on the Apple App Store

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From the Asset Store
Red Apple Game Sprites Suitable for side scrolling, action, adventure, and endless runner game.
  • Hello everyone,

    With hard work & determination, I have successfully finished my game which took 14 months. And now I am excited to deploy my game on the Google Play Store.

    However, I also want to make my game available on the Apple App Store. But I don’t have the resources to get a MacBook & iPhone because of financial issues. However I can get a MacBook & iPhone for few days from my senior.

    Now, I have some doubts and questions:-

    1.) Is it possible for me to use someone else's MacBook and iPhone to develop and deploy on the App Store? Are there any potential objections from Apple App Store?

    2.) Are there any unforeseen challenges or complications that could arise from using someone else's equipment?

    3.) From point of using Construct 3, could I encounter any specific issues or hurdles in the process?

    BTW, are there alternative methods or solutions for deploying apps on the Apple App Store?

    Thanks in advance

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  • -He will need to pay for the apple developers program $99.

    -Download and install XCode.

    -After that, you will be able to create signature keys and connect in applestore connect.

    This will allow you to post packages collected on your Apple device.

    I was considering this recently and had to buy a macbook and an iPhone. There were other options with renting a virtual device, but they are all unreliable it could cause me to lose my game.

    -If your product finds its audience on android you will make money and can invest in buying new devices like I did.

    -If your game won't be played on android, don't kid yourself, it won't be played on apple either.

    I recommend not to rush with applestore and put out there only after the profit on android.

  • 1.) Is it possible for me to use someone else's MacBook and iPhone to develop and deploy on the App Store? Are there any potential objections from Apple App Store?

    From my experience, yes. I actually even build my app with a virtual machine, no objections from apple. I don't think they dig that deep into that.

    2.) Are there any unforeseen challenges or complications that could arise from using someone else's equipment?

    The availability of their equipment. Having to borrow stuff can be inconvenient for both parties.

    3.) From point of using Construct 3, could I encounter any specific issues or hurdles in the process?

    Nothing construct specific that I remember. Apple does vet the apps though and you might get rejected for various (annoying) reasons, which you then have to fix.

    BTW, are there alternative methods or solutions for deploying apps on the Apple App Store?

    Sites like but it's not exactly cheap.

    Or the aformentioned Virtual Machine, if you're willing to go through some initial setup headaches.

    You still 100% want a device to test on though. You can also test on an ipad btw. I bought one a few years ago just for that reason, but I don't regret it at all. It's useful otherwise too.

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